Full Stack Data Scientist

Dr. Nel
Data Sciency Things
2 min readMar 20, 2016

Python, SQLite3, Hadoop, Scala, Spark, HTML5/CSS3 and occasionally R.

(I know, I have a very strange stack.)

I still remember the first website I created. [Flashback to the year 2000 and dial-up connection.] It had so many pictures and gifs that it would take forever to load, not to mention the fact that it had a midi file that would play when you enter the site and an image that followed your mouse around. I swear we thought all these things were cool back then.

I put web development to bed for a long while but when I started diving into Data Science I became obsess with it again. It then turned into the challenge of ‘Can I turn this into a web app?’ This has made me realized that my ideal Data Scientist position would be at a smaller company where I get to not only work with analysis and predictive modeling, but also shape the way the product is presented and the way the user interacts with it.

Now that I’m done with the Data Incubator I decided to start Free Code Camp (https://www.freecodecamp.com) on my spare time to improve my web development skills. There’s just something special about building things that people can interact with. Not to mention that it makes me feel creative again. I think that’s it, the reason why I like web development so much is because it has a good balance between creativity and logic, the same balance that music and math bring to my life.


El Nel

If you’d like to checkout my new personal website here’s the link http://www.nelabdiel.com There’s more to come so stay tune.

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Dr. Nel
Data Sciency Things

AI Scientist / Quantum Topologist bouncing around DC, NYC and Miami