Why Artificial Intelligence is not a technological revolution

AI is often related to technology, but the reality can be deeper than this.

Gianluca Malato
Data Science Reporter


Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Since our appearance in the world, we have always made tools in order to simplify our life and get value from our intelligence and capabilities. We have discovered fire, then invented ways and tools to control it. We have invented the wheel and, through the centuries, we have reached the computer and Internet inventions. These are all tools made to create a better life.

Now are facing this new character in the stage of evolution, that is Artificial Intelligence. Where do we have to put this card in the puzzle of human history?

Is AI a tool?

Many can say that yes, AI is a theoretical tool made much more real by those nerds at Google, but the reality is the opposite: Artificial Intelligence is not a tool at all. It’s more like a synthetic partner in our lives. It’s something able to use cognitive capabilities in order to perform certain tasks faster than we can. So it’s not a tool; it’s an artificial extension of our brain.

Basically, we have already surrogated part of our intelligence to the machine. Let’s think about memory. Every one of us has the need to keep many things in mind and our modern world gives…



Gianluca Malato
Data Science Reporter

Theoretical Physicists, Data Scientist and fiction author. I teach Data Science, statistics and SQL on YourDataTeacher.com. E-mail: gianluca@gianlucamalato.it