Best 7 Data Analytics Courses on Coursera in 2021

Most popular online courses on data analytics.

Przemek Chojecki
Data Science Rush


With evergrowing data sets data analytics is crucial for any business to grow and maintain their clients. After all the more you know what your clients like and do, the better service you can provide and more personalized as well.

The role of a data analyst is usually seen in-between business analytics and data science. It’s more technical than business analyst roles as you’d be programming in Python/SQL rather than SAP or R. It’s less technical than pure data science roles which on the other hand usually don’t involve business understanding (though that’s always an advantage).

If you want to be both in business and deal with mathematical problems related to data, data analytics is definitely for you. In this text I’m going to cover most popular courses on Coursera about Data Analytics in 2021.

Best 7 Data Analytics Courses on Coursera in 2021

Top Data Analytics Courses on Coursera in 2021

Let’s start with the list of all courses first:

  1. Python for Everybody from University of Michigan
  2. IBM Data Science from IBM
  3. Google Data Analytics
  4. Applied Data Science with Python from University of Michigan



Przemek Chojecki
Data Science Rush

AI & crypto, PhD in mathematics, Forbes 30 under 30, former Oxford fellow.