Data Science Books you should start reading in 2021

Best Data Science books for any level.

Przemek Chojecki
Data Science Rush


Data science is undoubtedly one of the hottest career choices right now. Companies (many of whom have data science departments) are hiring data scientists around the board. It is a considerable thing to become a data scientist. It is also a fantastic opportunity to hone your expertise if you are already a statistician and want to step through the ranks.

This article discusses the most popular data science books for any level.

Data Science Books you should start reading in 2021

Beginner Data Science Level

If you are just beginning your quest on data science, you can check all these books out:

In the Data Science from Scratch book, the concepts are presented to the unfamiliar learners in Data Science. You don’t even have to know something about Python to start. I will strongly recommend that you get started with this book.

If you are willing to learn about machine learning from a novice level and eager to read more about it, this book entitled “Introduction to Machine Learning with Python” is an excellent pick. Keep in mind that it is not expected that you already know Python.

Then, to be an adequately qualified Data Scientist, you can take a look at my book named Data Science



Przemek Chojecki
Data Science Rush

AI & crypto, PhD in mathematics, Forbes 30 under 30, former Oxford fellow.