Akshay Gawande
Data Shastra
Published in
5 min readMar 27, 2023
Photo by İsmail Enes Ayhan on Unsplash

01. What is a server Machine?

Unlike personal computers, server machines are made up of several different components and subcomponents. At the hardware level servers are typically made up of a rack mount chassis containing a power supply, a system board, one or more CPUs, memory, storage, a network interface, and a power supply.

A server can also be defined as a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer program and its users, also known as the client. In a data center, the physical computer that a server program runs on is also frequently called a server. That machine might be a dedicated server or can also be used for other purposes.

02. What are the major components of the Server?

Server Computers have many components for executing the code, sending, and receiving the network data, and storing data on a short-term and long-term basis. Remember these components are more powerful than desktop computers and mobile phones, but they play the same role.

Following are some of the key components of the servers:

  1. Processor.
  2. RAM
  3. Storage.
  4. Network/Bandwidth


The Processor can also be called as brain of the server and is able to solve billions of calculations within a second and execute a program to achieve an objective. With new technologies, powerful processors have multiple cores that allow them to execute a number of instructions simultaneously, and these servers can have multiple processors with multiple cores to enhance their workability.

In technical terms, we can explain a processor as an integrated electronic circuit that runs a computer. A processor performs arithmetical, logical, input/output (I/O), and basic instructions that are passed from an operating system (OS).

Every time an operation is performed on a computer server, such as when a file is changed, or an application is open the processor will interpret the instructions. Depending on its capabilities, the processing operations can be quicker or slower and have a big impact on what is called the processing speed of the CPU.

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RAM (Random Access Memory) is the computer’s short-term memory, where the data that the processor is currently processing is stored. Computers can access RAM memory much faster than data on the disk, SSD, HDD, or any other long-term storage devices, which is why RAM’s capacity is critical for system performance.

RAM is a form of temporary storage that gets wiped when you turn your computer off. RAM offers lightning-fast data access, which makes it ideal for processes, applications, and programs your computer is currently working on, such as data needed to surf the internet through your web browsers.

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Servers need to store all the website data, libraries, operating systems, application codes, different files, and databases. Usually, traditional spinning hard drives and solid-state drives (SSDs) are used to store data on the servers. SSDs are expensive and faster than that of HDDs. The selection of the storage devices is based on the needs and requirements.

For Example, a file achieve server doesn’t need to be very fast, but the database servers need to read and write data quickly.


Server working becomes possible when they are connected to the internet which is a combination of networks. If anyone needs to get reliable and higher speed their server must be equipped with higher bandwidth. If a website is hosted on s server having smaller bandwidth, the website users cannot access the website after a certain point, so the company will lose potential customers. It is recommended to use a higher amount of bandwidth to get the optimum results.

Photo by Omar Flores on Unsplash

03. What are the different IT terminology in networking?

Computer Networking:

Computer networking refers to the interconnected computing devices that can exchange data and share resources with each other, these network devices use system rules called communication protocols to transmit information over Physical and Wireless technologies.

How does a computer Network work?

Nodes and Links are basic building blocks in computer networking. A network node may be a data communication equipment (DCE) such as a modem, hub, or switch, or data terminal equipment (DTE) such as two or more computers and printers. A link refers to the transmission media connection between two nodes. Links like cable wire, optical fibers, or free spaces used by wireless networks may be physical.

In a working computer network node follow a set of rules or protocols that defines how to send and receive electronic data via the links. The computer network architecture defines the design of the Physical and Logical components. It provides the specifications for the network’s physical components, functional organization, protocols, and procedures.

When building a small office network, the two essential pieces of equipment you will need are switches and routers. Though they look the same, these two perform very different functions within the network.

Photo by Kirill Sh on Unsplash

0.1 Switch:

Switch facilitates the share of resources by connecting all the devices, including computers, printers, and servers, in a small business network. Thanks to the switch these connected devices can share information and talk to each other, regardless of where they are in the building. Building a small office network, I not possible without switches to tie devices together.

0.2 Router:

Just as a switch connects multiple devices to create a network, a router connects multiple switches, and their respective networks to form an even larger network. These networks may be in a single location or across multiple locations. In addition to connecting multiple networks together, the router also allows networked devices and multiple users to access the internet.

Ultimately, a router works as a dispatcher directing traffic and choosing the most efficient route for information, in the form of data packets to travel across a network. A router connects your business to the world, protects information from security threats, and even decides which device has priority over others.

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

