Go to Data & Sports
Data & Sports
Everything about data in the fantastic world of sports. Be it football or soccer, basketball, handball, hockey, golf… Every sport is welcome as long as we use data to understand them.
Note from the editor

Everything about data in the fantastic world of sports. Be it football or soccer, basketball, handball, hockey, golf… Every sport is welcome as long as we use data to understand them.

Go to the profile of Pol Marin
Pol Marin
Data Scientist @FCBarcelona | Naturally inclined towards sports analytics and health/nutrition - Find me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/polmarin/
Go to the profile of Pol Marin
Pol Marin
Data Scientist @FCBarcelona | Naturally inclined towards sports analytics and health/nutrition - Find me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/polmarin/