Announcement: Third Annual State of Open Data Policy Summit

The GovLab
Data Stewards Network
2 min readMay 14, 2024

Are we entering a Data Winter or a New Wave of Open Data?

This piece was originally posted on the Open Data Policy Lab site here.

In an era where data drives decision-making, access to data has never been more critical to promote the public interest. However, in recent years, opening access to data has proven increasingly challenging. Much of the funding and interest in policymaking has instead focused on artificial intelligence while data assets that could be leveraged for the common good have become frozen.

In this environment, new questions arise: Are we entering a data winter? What new models might keep data open? How do we ensure that AI and open data are complementary and promote the public interest?

To address these questions, we are thrilled to announce this year’s Summit on the State of Open Data Policy, which will explore the crucial question of whether we are entering a “data winter” of reduced funding and interest in open data or embarking on a new wave of open data innovation fueled by AI tools.

Indeed, this year’s summit comes at a key time when the momentum for opening up data appears to be waning while Artificial Intelligence takes center stage in the data policy landscape.

The focus will be on whether we are experiencing a backsliding in providing access to data and whether generative AI could potentially democratize data access, provided there is a concerted effort to make open data be AI-ready.

Through a series of two panels and interactive discussions, the summit will examine these topics along with emerging trends, key developments, and burgeoning opportunities in the policy arena of open data.

The State of Open Data Policy Summit is the only annual event that brings together thought leaders, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss and strategize on how open data policy can continue to fuel innovation and societal progress in the age of AI-driven technologies.

Register for the event here on Eventbrite. If you have any trouble registering, please reach out to us at



The GovLab
Data Stewards Network

The Governance Lab improving people’s lives by changing how we govern. @thegovlab #opendata #peopleledinnovation #datacollab