Join the DATA4Philanthropy Network: A new community of practice to build capacity for data-driven innovation in philanthropy

Hannah Chafetz
Data Stewards Network
3 min readJan 15, 2024

By: Hannah Chafetz & Stefaan G. Verhulst

Today’s societal problems have become increasingly complex–from a global pandemic to geopolitical conflict. Solving these complex problems demands new solutions, but also new methods for getting to the solution. Data and its associated methods and tools can transform how solutions are developed.

For example, systems mapping can help philanthropies make sense of the current state of societal problems. Network analyses, data-driven maps of actors and topics, can be used to understand stakeholder dynamics and find new partners. Data-powered positive deviance uses several sources of data to pinpoint who is already solving problems and scale these solutions to broader communities. These are just a few of the data-driven methods that can be tapped into for the public good. However, many of these data-driven approaches have not yet been leveraged by the social sector.

How might philanthropies harness data throughout the grant making decision cycle? What new approaches can be used to define the questions that matter most, understand community needs, build new programs, and evaluate the impact of philanthropy?

The GovLab partnered with the Paul Ramsay Foundation (a charitable foundation based in Sydney, Australia) to consider how data-driven methods and tools could support collaboration across the philanthropic sector and improve funding decisions. The collaboration seeks to inspire philanthropic leaders to interact with data and evidence in new ways, and build capacity around leveraging data-driven approaches.

As part of this collaboration, The GovLab and Paul Ramsay Foundation will be launching a new platform for data and philanthropy on February 5th, 2024 (EST). The platform, DATA4Philanthropy, features a series of primers on how to leverage specific data-driven methods and case studies from the Australian and global philanthropic communities. Some of the methods to be featured include digital ethnography, participatory sourcing of questions, and living evidence.

Interested in learning more? Join us for the launch event co-hosted with the Paul Ramsay Foundation and Philanthropy Australia on February 5th, 2024 at 6:00pm EST.

The launch event will include a presentation on DATA4Philanthropy by Stefaan G. Verhulst (The Co-Founder and Chief R&D at The GovLab) as well as other presentations and a panel discussion with industry experts. Speakers include Jack Heath (CEO of Philanthropy Australia), Kai Graylee (Head of Innovation and Integration at the Paul Ramsay Foundation), Alex Fischer (Former Head of Research at the Paul Ramsay Foundation/Honorary Research Fellow at the ANU School of Cybernetics), and more. Panelists to be announced later this month.

Sign up for the launch event here.


Stay up-to-date on the latest updates on DATA4Philanthropy by joining our growing network. Click here to join.

Those interested in collaborating or submitting a case study for the platform are welcome to email us at

