Open Data Policy Lab Announces Second Annual State of Open Data Policy Summit

Andrew J. Zahuranec
Data Stewards Network
2 min readMay 22, 2023

On 12 June 2023, The GovLab and Microsoft will host their annual conference on ways governments, companies, and civil society are opening datasets.

Open data is used around the world to promote the public good. Throughout COVID-19, open data sources have informed pandemic response. It has revealed gendered differences in transportation in major cities. Open data demonstrated its value as a tool to counter corruption and better involve people in government decision-making.

Despite all these values, there have been few attempts to foster more systematic data (re)use for the public good. Indeed, according to the Global Data Barometer, progress on open data policy-making has stalled. There’s been little movement to implement potentially transformative open data policies.

On 12 June 2023 from 9:00 AM — 12:00 PM ET, the Open Data Policy Lab will host its Second Annual State of Open Data Policy Summit: Moving from Policy to Practice to understand ways we can understand the barriers and enablers of open data action and the specific ways that organizations have overcome institutional, cultural, and societal hurdles.

This virtual conference will take the form of three hours of panels and conversations on real-world examples of open data and data reuse initiatives from around the world. It will build upon conversations started at last year’s summit by giving participants the opportunity to hear from a new cohort of data leaders from around the world and across sectors about the ways we can realize a third wave of open data.

Confirmed participants include thought leaders such as:


We invite you to attend this global, nonpartisan event to identify the ways we can better generate public good. Registration is free and open to all through EventBrite here.

We encourage you to spread the word on this summit to ensure a robust and meaningful conversation on open data policy.

