Binary Tree: Insert in O(log N) time, Delete, and Search

Abhimanyu Singh
Data Structure and Algorithms
7 min readJul 5, 2021


Problem Statement

We want to create a balanced binary tree that supports insertion in O(log N) time, deletion, and search operations.

Let’s have the following two constraints on insertion:

  • We insert a node in the next level if the current level is complete.
  • We create a right child if the left child is already present.

With these constraints, we guarantee that the binary tree is a complete binary tree that could be a perfect binary tree, given that we insert the right amount of nodes in the tree. Also, the binary tree will be a balanced binary tree.


First of all, we need to represent the binary tree. From the definition, a tree is a collection of nodes. A node consists of a value and references to its child nodes. We can represent the node as:

Node =>
Node Left
Node Right

We can represent the tree as:

Tree =>
Node Root

The outside world need not know the internals of the node and the tree. We will provide the following interfaces for the outside world:



Before we start with insertion and deletion operations, let’s consider the following complete and balanced



Abhimanyu Singh
Data Structure and Algorithms

Staff Software Engineer at HackerRank. Passionate about tech, career growth, and math. Exploring number theory and sharing insights on personal development.