Binary Tree: Pre-order Traversal

Abhimanyu Singh
Data Structure and Algorithms
5 min readJul 5, 2021



We represent the node as:

Node =>
Node Left
Node Right

Pre-order Traversal

The pre-order traversal is a kind of depth-first traversal. We perform the following steps:

  • Access the node
  • Recursively traverse the node’s left subtree in pre-order
  • Recursively traverse the node’s right subtree in pre-order

After traversing the left and the right subtrees of the root node, we consider the traversal complete.

Pre-order Traversal


We will do the pre-order traversal on the following binary tree:

Binary Tree for Pre-order Traversal

The nodes in yellow are not yet visited, and the subtrees with dashed edges are also not visited yet. The pre-order traversal visits the nodes A, B, D, G, E, H, C, and F.

Pre-order Traversal

Let’s take a look at each visit separately. We start with the root node, i.e…



Abhimanyu Singh
Data Structure and Algorithms

Staff Software Engineer at HackerRank. Passionate about tech, career growth, and math. Exploring number theory and sharing insights on personal development.