Logger Rate Limiter

Ethan Davis
Data Structures and Algorithms DSA
2 min readJun 26, 2024
Data Structures and Algorithms


Given a stream of message requests and their timestamps as input, implement a logger rate limiter system that decides whether the current message request is displayed. The decision depends on whether the same message has already been displayed in the last s seconds. If yes, then the decision is false, as the message is considered a duplicate. Otherwise, the decision is true.


  • 1 ≤ request.length() ≤ 10²
  • 0 ≤ timestamp ≤ 10³
  • Timestamps are in ascending order
  • Messages can be written in lowercase and uppercase English characters


production algorithm

class RequestLogger:
def __init__(self, limit):
self.map = {}
self.limit = limit

def message_request_decision(self, timestamp, request):
time complexity O(1)
space complexity O(n)
if request in self.map:
if timestamp - self.map[request] < self.limit:
return False
self.map[request] = timestamp
return True
unit tests

from unittest import TestCase
from algorithms.hashmaps.logger_rate_limiter.request_logger import RequestLogger

class RequestLoggerTestCase(TestCase):
def test_decision_is_false(self):
# Given
limit = 5
logger = RequestLogger(limit)
messages = [(1, "Hello"), (2, "Hello"), (3, "Hello"),
(4, "Hello"), (5, "Hello")]

# When
actual = [logger.message_request_decision(
timestamp, message) for timestamp, message in messages]

# Then
expected = [True, False, False, False, False]
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

def test_decision_is_true(self):
# Given
limit = 5
logger = RequestLogger(limit)
messages = [(10, "Hello"), (20, "Hello"), (30, "Hello"),
(40, "Hello"), (50, "Hello")]

# When
actual = [logger.message_request_decision(
timestamp, message) for timestamp, message in messages]

# Then
expected = [True, True, True, True, True]
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)


Hash Maps.


The data structure uses a hash map to hold the messages, and the timestamps of when each message was received. If the same message is received multiple times within the time limit, then the decision is false. Otherwise, the decision is true.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of the algorithm is O(1).

Space Complexity

Let n be the number of messages received. At worst, every message becomes a new key in the dictionary. Therefore, the auxiliary space complexity of the algorithm is O(n).


