5 of the best free marketing dashboard templates for Google Data Studio

You can copy-paste these templates to re-use in your own marketing dashboards — social media, analytics, paid search, etc.

Josh Cottrell-Schloemer
Data Studio
3 min readApr 27, 2021


Getting started on Data Studio can take a bit of time. There’s no question that it’s easier to use than most data visualization tools, but there is still a learning curve. I put together this list to help you get started with minimal effort and maximum ‘wow’ factor.

These dashboards include data from social media, google analytics, google ads, and several other sources. You can copy paste all the visual elements and then rewire them to use your own data.

My Favorite Google Analytics Template Blue World by Michael Howe-Ely

A dark blue dashboard with lighter blue highlight colors for the line charts, bar charts and data tables.

Michael has done incredible work with Data Studio and this GA template that he built is featured by Google in the Data Studio template gallery.

My Favorite Google Ads TemplateGoogle Ads Monitoring by Search Foresight

A brightly colored dashboard with sections in yellow, blue, green and red.

Foresight provides a straight-forward breakdown of metrics that can be adapted to almost anybody’s Ads data — colors can be updated to match your own reporting and even if you’re not using Google Ads, you can copy the layout/visualization style for your other paid media data.

My Favorite Facebook Ads Template — Facebook Ads Overview by Supermetrics

Dark colored dashboard with a map, several line charts and a colorful table.

If you’re going to connect Facebook Ads or many other sources of ad data, you’ll need to use a 3rd party connector like Supermetrics. This allows you to add lots of different data sources to Data Studio that wouldn’t normally be available. For Facebook Ads, Supermetrics has a set of pre-made templates and plenty of clear instructions for wiring up your data.

My Favorite Google Search Template — All In One Search Console by Data Bloo

A Data Studio template in various shades of blue

A great source of inspiration for those that are going to integrate search performance data into their dashboard. Tons of great visualizations and a very intuitive way of structuring search KPIs.

My Favorite Ecommerce Template — Another from Data Bloo

A Data Studio ecommerce dashboard including a funnel visualization

Thanks for taking a look!

I also build my own custom Data Studio reports for all sorts of clients — from startups to F500 brands.

If you found this article helpful you can also support my work by using this affiliate link to check out Supermetrics.
If you’re building Data Studio reports you will almost certainly end up using Supermetrics to integrate your data. It’s a powerful tool that opens up a world of possibilities in Data Studio.



Josh Cottrell-Schloemer
Data Studio

Building data-focused products. Startups acquired=1. Hobby = making Google Data Studio & Excel beautiful.