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data.tale() is a publication of stories inspired by the teachings and voices of New York University's Center for Urban Science and Progress. Our mission is to find the stories behind data and present them in meaningful ways.
Underground Version 2.0
Underground Version 2.0
Towards a Collaborative Data Repository of the Subsurface
Jul 9, 2019
Emergency Deployment Optimized for a Dynamic City
Emergency Deployment Optimized for a Dynamic City
This post is by Sarah Sachs, Konstantin Klemmer and Mateo Neira.
Sarah June Sachs
May 27, 2019
The city in 3D: Using new sensing technologies to improve quality and accessibility of city streets
The city in 3D: Using new sensing technologies to improve quality and accessibility of city streets
Imagine you’re responsible for a city’s streets: its paved surfaces, sidewalks, crossings and signage. What invention of the past 20 years…
Nick Jones
Nov 14, 2018
Exploring Neighborhood Coffee Shop Footprints
Exploring Neighborhood Coffee Shop Footprints
Comparing neighborhood coffee shop scenes in 31 U.S. cities
Alex Shannon
Oct 17, 2018
How far do people travel in Bike Sharing Systems?
How far do people travel in Bike Sharing Systems?
Analyzing the commuting patterns of Citibike users in New York City.
Juan Sokoloff
May 31, 2018
Mapping library collections with Folium
Mapping library collections with Folium
Crafting interactive, location-based narratives with new Library of Congress API
Charlie Moffett
Apr 24, 2018
Welcome to data.tale()
Welcome to data.tale()
A new data storytelling blog from urban science thinkers at NYU
Ian Xiao
Apr 2, 2018
Is Uber Taking Over New York City?
Is Uber Taking Over New York City?
Using individual trip-level data to answer important questions on ride sharing services’ influence on markets, drivers, and citizens
Jack Lundquist
Apr 1, 2018
Two Techniques To Predict Urban Sprawl
Two Techniques To Predict Urban Sprawl
Can we model urban sprawl with the same computational approaches used to model the evolutionary processes of biological organisms?
Ruben Hambardzumyan
Mar 29, 2018
Is zoning to blame for Atlanta’s low building density?
Is zoning to blame for Atlanta’s low building density?
Exploring market demand, land use constraints, and insights into Atlanta’s development history
Hannah Kates
Mar 14, 2018
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