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Resolving the Conda libmamba Issue and Environment Activation Trouble


Yixin Cao
Data Tyro
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2024


The transition to new software versions often brings a mix of excitement and apprehension, particularly when it comes to package managers that form the backbone of software development, such as Conda. A recent update to the latest Conda version introduced a series of challenges for many users, notably issues related to libmamba, a more efficient solver introduced to enhance Conda's performance. This article delves into the journey of troubleshooting and resolving these issues on a macOS.

The Onset of the Issue

The problem surfaced post an update to the latest Conda version, which brought libmamba into the spotlight. Libmamba is designed to offer a faster, more efficient package resolution. However, instead of speed and efficiency, some users, including myself, encountered a troublesome bug. The issue was so significant that Conda commands ceased to function, rendering the usual fix methods ineffective. The dilemma was evident in online forums too, with users desperately seeking a solution.

The Breakthrough withAnaconda Reinstallation

The conventional approach to resolving Conda issues involves using Conda commands to troubleshoot or reset configurations. However, the severity of the libmamba problem meant these commands were inaccessible. The breakthrough came when I decided to reinstall the entire Anaconda program. This bold step not only resolved the libmamba issue but also preserved the pre-existing environments and packages - a significant relief to any developer wary of losing their meticulously curated work environment.

The reinstallation process involved downloading the latest Anaconda installer and running it. The inistaller smartly detects the existing installation and refreshes it, resolving the Libmambaissue without disturbingthe existing setup.

A Minor Setback: Environment Activation

While the major hurdle was cleared, a minor hiccup persisted. The Conda environments, although intact, were not directly activatable by their labels. This is a crucial feature for streamlined workflow, as it allows quick switching between different project environments.

Check Conda environments:

conda info --envs

The Final Resolution: Tweaking the .condarc File

The solution to this lingering issue lay in the .condarc file, Conda's configuration file. By adding the paths to the environments in this file, Conda could recognize and list the environments correctly. Here's a step-by-step guide to the process:

  1. Locate or Create .condarc: This file is typically in the home directory. If it's not there, it's just a matter of creating a new one.
  2. Edit .condarc: Add the envs_dirs section, listing the paths to the directories where your environments are located:
- /path/to/your/envs
- /another/path/to/envs

This modification enabled Conda to recognize and list the environments aptly.

3. Applying Changes: After saving the .condarc file, the effectiveness of the changes can be directly confirmed using conda info — envs or:

conda env list

A Word of Caution

It's essential to note that when creating new environments post-resolution, Conda defaults to the first path specified in the .condarc file. While not a deal-breaker, it's a detail that requires attention to maintain organization and avoid confusion.


The journey through the libmamba complication and subsequent environment activation issue was a testament to the necessity of adaptability and ingenuity in software troubleshooting. The approach, involving reinstallation of the Anaconda program and adjustment of the .condarc file, served as an effective interim solution, addressing the immediate challenges yet recognized as a stopgap awaiting more refined resolutions.

It’s crucial to note that Conda provides documentation on how to properly use libmamba (Conda Libmamba Solver User Guide). For users planning to update Conda to the latest versions or explore libmamba, consulting this resource is highly recommended. It offers insights into using $ conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver to leverage libmamba's capabilities, which could be invaluable, especially considering the initial hurdles encountered.

However, as seen in this scenario, if issues arise where Conda becomes inoperable, addressing the core problem takes precedence. Once normal functionality is restored, users should cautiously approach updates and consider the official documentation to mitigate potential issues, ensuring a smoother transition to utilizing libmamba.

