Email Policy*

Jia Zhang
Data Visualization Fall 2023
1 min readSep 16, 2022

*This wonderful email policy comes from the syllabi of Leah Meisterlin and Dare Brawley. I have adapted it here to reflect the content of this course.

Email is absolutely a resource for students, but it is not chat. Do not expect immediate responses from the instructor. It is very important that you use the other resources available to you. There are several ways to find help if you need it, so please do not let an as-yet-unanswered email hold you back. Please utilize the expertise of other students in the course, as well as refer to online forums discussed in class for common code errors.

Please begin assignments with enough time to ask a question several days before the assignment is due and manage your time.

Learning how to troubleshoot technical issues and locate relevant resources is crucial in your long-term success with programming. With this in mind emails with technical questions must at a minimum contain the following:

  • a clear description of what you are trying to do, and what the problem is
  • a summary of the steps you have already taken to address the issue
  • screenshots (where applicable) that help to explain the problem
  • a link to at least one website you consulted for assistance with the issue before writing the email. is one such resource, googling the error message, referencing mozilla docs are all acceptable as well.

Do not be surprised if an email without this information is returned to you asking for elaboration.

