Create Layout Transitions with the D3 Update Pattern

Let’s dive deep into the world of d3 selections and update pattern to create layout transitions.

Karol Stopyra


In the last article, we learned how to create a hierarchy layout from tabular data. This article is a follow-up where I will explain how to use the d3 update pattern to make transitions from a scatterplot to a pack layout, so our visualisations are more multidimensional and useful.

To see more clearly what we are aiming for, let’s look at some real-life example of layout transitions.

This is static Scatterplot chart (you can scroll down)

On the above chart, we see data points, each representing a country, plotted with x/y axes (population/surface area). This is an ordinary scatterplot where we can see the correlation between two variables. Additionally, we can assign size (CO2 emissions per capita) and color variables (geographical region).

Let’s see what happens when we mark some countries of interest and transition from scatterplot to pack and back.

Scatterplot to pack and back

Not bad. With a little bit of interactivity and motion, we gain a whole new dimension of analysis.



Karol Stopyra

Web developer with focus on interactive data visualization. Making digital tools that help to understand the world around us. 🖤