Salesforce Data Archiving

Salesforce Data Archiving: What is it and why is it important for you

Neha Arora


Abiding by the current market trends, data is rightly the bread and butter for any industry. But when an organization grows over time, this data also grows with the addition of new users, new branches, and new operations. With the continuous creation of new data, old data becomes historical and less important. Various objects like Tasks, Events, Emails, Cases, Leads, Campaigns, and Custom objects keep on growing and contribute significantly to overload the overall storage size. In order to store all this massive volume of data, you have to spend more on Salesforce storage and this investment will keep on increasing each year as the amount of data increases. Considering the role it plays in today’s business world, deleting data is never a smart option and therefore only two options remain: data backup and data archiving.

Most people think backup and archiving to be interchangeable as both are used for safekeeping the business data. But in reality, they both are different in many ways depending on business needs. While a backup solution usually copies the original data and keeps it inside the same storage, an archival solution takes the entire historical data and offers an option to keep it in your preferred secondary storage system. Therefore, backup data is not the original data but the archived data is definitely the original data. It is also worth noting that a backup solution is mainly used for disaster recovery, accidental data loss, and compliance needs whereas an archiving solution is used to reduce data storage cost, perform analytics on data, and to meet compliance and audit requirements.

Efficient data archiving has proved to be one of the most potent approaches when it comes to managing Salesforce data growth and optimizing storage space. According to the current Salesforce data archiving trends, companies are actively looking for enterprise-level data archiving solutions to store their historical data. This allows them to efficiently respond to legal discovery requests and compliance audits, ensure compliance with government and internal record retention policies, improve primary application and storage performance, as well as reduce their additional storage costs.

An effective data archiving strategy is an essential aspect of every progressive business and needs to be planned properly. Here are some of the primary benefits of archiving the legacy data:

  • Reduced storage costs- Perhaps the most important benefit of data archiving is that it helps in reducing the enterprise’s Salesforce data storage costs. Firstly, it clears up more storage space in the internal system where new and important data can be stored and secondly, it cuts back the need to purchase the really expensive additional data storage space from Salesforce.
  • Enhanced CRM performance- Growing data volume can result in poor Salesforce CRM application performance due to the additional load of the multiplying data. Data archiving can help you in counteracting this problem because it takes out the unnecessary data from the system making way for new important data and also boosting the CRM performance.
  • Efficient data utilization- Data archiving also allows businesses to have more control over their data which can now be used for running better analytics, efficient lead generation, and overall making more informed decisions regarding the enterprise’s future strategies.
  • Compliance and audit concerns- Through data archiving, enterprises can properly manage their risks and promote compliance with the external government as well as the internal company’s data retention policies.
  • Enhanced security- Efficient data archiving also helps in preventing the loss of data as it decreases the chances of anyone accidentally modifying the archived data, thereby preventing data loss. Archiving also removes the data from circulation, therefore limiting the chances of any cyber-attacks or malware infection.

DataArchiva is a well-known Salesforce AppExchange solution that was developed with the sole aim of saving the Salesforce storage costs and offering a top-notch data archiving solution powered by high performance and security. DataArchiva is the only NATIVE data archiving solution that makes use of Salesforce’s internal Big Data-based storage solution called ‘Big Objects’ to store the enterprise’s legacy data. Loaded with lucrative features like auto-scheduling archival, encryption, custom archiving, bulk archiving, data integration, and one-click restore, DataArchiva becomes a highly scalable, analytical, accessible, secure and user-friendly application. To know more about this data archiving tool, please get in touch with us.

