Salesforce Data Backup or Data Archive: Which One Does Your Business Truly Need?

Manoswita Naha
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2023
Salesforce Data Backup or Data Archive: Which One Does Your Business Truly Need?

Attention, business leaders and Salesforce enthusiasts, it’s time to take a strategic break while we explain the know-how.

It’s quite evidently understood that data backup & archiving is not the same. When compared, ‌Data Backup is like buying a life insurance plan for your Salesforce data. At any force-major cause, it won’t land you in heavy disbursements on data loss, by keeping a copy of your customer data & case details at a secure location.

Whereas archiving is more like a savings-investment plan. Let’s say you have accumulated a lot of data-as-insights after years of cloud-run sales & service processes in Salesforce. To ensure that all your business data is not in the same place, you have set up an archiving regime in your Salesforce, to have it stored at a cheaper cost than in Salesforce itself.

And, old is gold. Once archived, you can mine it to run analytics to get 2X returns or meet your organization’s white-collar dependencies by serving it to the data compliances, & get a legal check from your data records.

For a more visible comparison, take a look at the Data Backup vs Data Archive table below ⏬

Comparison between data archival & data backup in Salesforce

Be it the ‘Insurer’ or the ‘Investor’; both archiving & backup have a very high ROI margin in store for Salesforce users. Here is to determine the How, When & Why, you need a Salesforce data Backup & Archive.

When to Get a Salesforce Backup or Archive

There is no when to get a backup for your Salesforce CRM, and it’s advised to get it right now! Whether you have just started using Salesforce or are an old customer, data security should be prime, and having a data backup ready will only bulletproof your Salesforce for any future adversities.

When its the right time to choose archiving or start backup for Salesforce data

Next, is the data archive. Data archiving in Salesforce is strictly for enterprises that want to take strategic advantage of the ‌overflowing data storage in their CRM system. And, Thanks to Salesforce data storage limitations, ‌you do not have to wait long until you run out of the app’s ‌data storage limits. So if you are having a 2X increase in sales every month on Salesforce, be an early bird and take advantage of archiving your Salesforce data, which you need & do not want to delete.

Why Get a Salesforce Data Backup or Archive

Getting life insurance is a must for all, the same goes for your Salesforce data. Gartner shows evidence that 95% of security failures in the cloud will be the customer’s fault. If you are running a Salesforce business, running a backup process on your live Salesforce will give you the immunity to fight back data loss challenges. Click the banner below for deeper insights.

Data Archiving in Salesforce can be done for several reasons. It can be for

  • Long-term data retention
  • Data retention future audits
  • Preserving CRM traffic to improve performance via analytics
  • Or, strictly due to internal policies & compliance reasons

As long-term data retention can be quite a cost heavy in Salesforce, data archiving helps enterprises like yours to preserve old or less queried Salesforce data in a much cheaper, secondary data storage space. Allowing you to optimize your Salesforce storage & save hefty long-term retention costs.

Tap on the banner below to learn how you can have a better data archiving experience with DataArchiva.

How To Get Salesforce Data Backup or Archive

Whether you want a Salesforce data backup or data archives, there are three ways to answer ‘how’ -

  • Setting up archiving or a backup process every time
  • Getting a custom-built application
  • Subscribe to a cloud-ready archiving & backup application from Appexchage

Let’s walk you through which is most feasible & why. Setting up archiving or a backup procedure can be tedious, time-consuming & requires expert technical skills to perform the tasks in Salesforce. The second is a custom-built application, which may take months of time to get ready & is often difficult to maintain it in the long term. Whereas, Salesforce Appexchange applications are the best way to meet the backup & data archiving demands of your Salesforce-run business.

DataArhchiva has been top-notch in addressing data archiving challenges in Salesforce. As per Gartner’s Market Guide, DataArchiva is listed as the most structured cloud data-archiving application in Salesforce. Plus, DataArchiva is secure, scalable & admin-friendly, and an absolute Salesforce favorite.

Read more product reviews about DataArchiva, we are available on AppExchange!

Or read customer success stories on DataArchiva.

If you are yet to experience the data backup convenience of DataArchiva, then you are missing out on a big chunk. Want to get top-notch data security features during data backup along with the best archiving solution in Salesforce, all-in-one? Contact DataArchiva today!

