Tame the Data Deluge By Archiving Salesforce Data with DataArchiva

Manoswita Naha
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2023


In a Salesforce survey conducted in 2022, 33%1 of business leaders said they failed to generate meaningful insights from the data, and 30%1 said they were overwhelmed by it.

It was often observed that Salesforce architects get swept up in the accelerating pace of innovation and rapid deployments without considering second-order consequences, such as data management or cloud storage costs when they set up an infrastructure. As this largely data-diverse digital universe is yet to fight back against management challenges, adept adaptations of data management tools can surely reverse the risk of data deluge.

Tracing the deployment rates of CRM solutions, Gartner predicts that 95%2 of new digital workloads will be re-distributed on cloud-native platforms. With AI soaring high, most Salesforce deployments in the pipeline are ascending toward process automation, which can significantly diversify the information trends and lead to data deluge challenges, resulting in →

Increased Data Generation Velocity: Diversified information trends often involve real-time data streams and continuous data updates leading to data growth

Unmanaged Data Growth: Unmanaged data growth can overwhelm traditional data management systems if not addressed early

Data Complexity: Data may come in different formats, have varying levels of quality, and integration with existing datasets, hence reporting and generating insights from such complex data require careful consideration

Data Silos & Fragmentation: Data often resides in disparate systems and silos, leading to data fragmentation and making it difficult to integrate and gain a holistic view to derive meaningful insights

Difficulty in Data Storage Management: This leads to challenges in processing, storing, and analyzing large volumes of data effectively. By striking a balance between diversifying information trends and implementing sound data management strategies, organizations can harness limitless possibilities with Salesforce CRM.

And, if your business is among the ones who are looking forward to a stellar platform drive with Salesforce, having an archiving application like DataArchiva can help to manage and handle this influx of data more effectively.

Archiving Your Salesforce Data ‌With DataArchiva To Fight Back the Data Deluge

Data archiving plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges posed by the data deluge. Here are the seven reasons why you should need DataArchiva for your Salesforce:

Optimize storage & reduce cost: DataArchiva allows you to move infrequently accessed or low-value data to less expensive storage tiers like Salesforce Big Objects or within your own MS SQL, My SQL & Postgres databases using 3rd party cloud platforms like Heroku, Azure, AWS & GCP, and in on-premise systems. This helps to keep the storage relevant, freeing up the Salesforce primary storage for critical & frequently accessed data and reducing data storage costs by 80%.

Improves overall system performance: By moving infrequently accessed or older data to the archive, DataArchiva helps optimize the system by 10x improved performance and responsiveness, ensuring faster data retrieval and overall improved user experience.

Efficient Data Management: DataArchiva allows complete freedom on how or where you want to archive your Salesforce data. Multiple options like scheduler, filter-based, and on-demand archiving, it enables you to identify, categorize, and prioritize your data for archiving and helps to keep your data relevant.

Archiving Salesforce Data with DataArchiva Using External Cloud & On-premise sytem

Seamless Compliance Management: DataArchiva helps organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to data retention, by archiving your Salesforce data by maintaining a complex parent-child relationship. Furthermore, you can use point-n-click tools, to retrieve the archived data back to production, when needed for audits or legal purposes.

Long-Term Data Retention & Analytics: When using DataArchiva in Salesforce you can also specify the day range to archive old records as per the schedule. This enables the long-term preservation of data for historical, reference, and live reporting capabilities using advanced analytics like Tableau & PowerBI. Perfect value addition for trend analysis, forecasting, and gaining insights into business operations, customer behavior, or market trends based on historical platform data.

Improved Scalability & Business Growth: As data volumes continue to grow exponentially in your Salesforce app, DataArchiva helps you ‌‌ periodically archive your critical business data on the go, to keep the primary data storage clutter-free. Increasing the scope to scale and accommodate with proper platform relevance. This way you can effectively manage the data deluge without compromising performance or increasing the data storage costs.

However, there is a beacon of hope in the form of innovative data management solutions like DataArchiva. By addressing the challenges of data growth and cloud storage costs, organizations can unlock the true potential of their Salesforce data.

DataArchiva offers a transformative approach to Salesforce data archiving, empowering businesses to regain control over their data and generate meaningful insights. With its seamless integration and advanced capabilities, it enables organizations to optimize Salesforce data storage, streamline processes, and harness the full power of their data.

Embracing the future of data management is no longer a luxury but a necessity. It’s time to break free from the limitations of overwhelming data and unleash the true value of Salesforce. Discover how DataArchiva can revolutionize your data management strategy and propel your business to new heights.

Don’t let the data deluge hold you back. Embrace DataArchiva and unlock the untapped potential of your Salesforce data today.

In short, with DataArchiva you can contain the data flood unleashed by Salesforce. To know how to take swift action & contact our data experts today!

