The Crucial Role of Backup and Recovery in Salesforce Data Protection

Krishnanjali KU
5 min readJun 22, 2023


Your data is very precious and underestimating them is a fool’s wisdom. Today’s technology era run on data and it will be the same scenario in the years to come. When your data is suffered the intense wrath of data loss, reconstructing your database environment should be the last option of your recovery strategy. The “deal with it when we need it” strategy is not going to work here. Nobody likes to start from scratch, especially after building something valuable out of it.

The same goes for your Salesforce data. It is most often said that your Salesforce data recovery plan has the potential to streamline your business operations by retrieving data.

Have you ever thought of any backup strategies yet? Do they come with a recovery service too?

For better business continuity, backup, and recovery for salesforce is a must-have strategy. Being the custodian of your own data, in this why-to blog we will run you through the importance of a backup and recovery plan in Salesforce.

But doesn’t Salesforce already back up my data?

Like any other platform, Salesforce protects its platform data rather than its customer data. Hence relying on Salesforce to back up your data is not a likely initiative.

Importance of Salesforce Backup & Recovery Plan

Have you ever really thought about why you would need a backup plan? Did you know that there was a rise of 72% in ransomware attacks in the year 2022 as per Statista? The point that we are trying to emphasize is getting clearer now.

Yes! A backup and recovery plan is needed to do a runner from the data loss. That is one thing. But there are also other aspects that will be profitable for your ongoing business. When you have put a considerable amount of time and effort into building up your data, it makes sense to explore better options instead of settling for basic methods. Below are the additional advantages that come with backing up your Salesforce data.

Data Protection

Data breaches and data sprawls are common nowadays and hence following best practices for backup is very important. Data Protection sets the standard when you are listing the reasons for backup. Providing solid protection is very much important for your crucial Salesforce business-critical data. Above all these, ensuring customers’ data safety and compliance with legal standards is vital to running a successful business.

Cut Down Your Cost Budget

Even a minor data breach can cause dangers of a higher magnitude. And the recovery cost, if you have not backed your Salesforce data, is going to cost you a fortune. Hence having your timely backups will only serve you better. Backup and recovery is a wise investment in the long run and you will never need to look back.

Maintaining Standards of Compliance

Complying with security audits and industry regulations is another important aspect of a business. Data storage comes with a set of them. Neglecting them can lead to serious legal complications. By ensuring compliance, your organization will be shielded from the risk of falling into non-compliance territory, thereby averting the substantial penalties and legal fines that accompany it.

Unhindered Performance

With an efficient backup and recovery, there is no way your business operations can stop. Imagine you had a sudden IT downtime, or there was a cruel data breach. Not only that, but company servers also find it difficult to handle large amounts of data. Due to any of the above reasons maybe all your data is lost and you do not have a backup for the same. This is one of the scariest scenarios for all the Awesome Admins. But if you are able to restore your Salesforce data from your backup location, then there you are tension free, and no need to worry about it anymore. And there is no hindrance in productivity whatsoever.

Increased Competitive Advantage

Every business is now data-dependent. Considering that data is now considered as valuable as oil, it is crucial to ensure its protection. In the event of data loss, only businesses that have implemented proper backups will be able to sustain themselves. If not backing up your data on time, then you will be losing to your competition before it’s too late to clean the damage. Readily available business-critical data is the new superpower to thrive in today’s times. Being prone to such a business climate, don’t give it a second thought and get your data backed up.

DataArchiva: Your Perfect Backup & Recovery Solution

DataArchiva has been automating backup & recovery for several companies to help them protect their Salesforce data. Manual data backup is a very sore process. With DataArchiva, automate your backup of resource-intensive data and recover them at times of data loss.

DataArchiva securely backs up your live data using a range of options including AWS, Azure, Heroku, Google Cloud platforms, or On-premise systems. Based on your preferences, the data is stored in Amazon S3, Microsoft SharePoint, or an On-premise server, ensuring utmost protection.

Why Choose DataArchiva as Your Backup as a Service(BaaS)

Data Type: DataArchiva helps you back up your data, metadata, and files & attachments.

Backup Intervals: DataArchiva always gives Salesforce users the freedom to back up their data at their convenience by being able to customize it. It also provides an auto-scheduler where in you can schedule the backup time.

Backup Types: DataArchiva supports all three types of backup i.e. incremental backup, differential backup, and full backup.

Security and Integrity: DataArchiva provides encryption at rest and also maintains complex object relationships of your data.

Easy To Use: DataArchiva is a very customer-friendly application and also easy to use paving the way to help you with your backup and recovery through automation.

Cost Efficiency: You get to enjoy DataArchiva’s backup and recovery service at a reasonable price as per the industry and business standards

Automatic Restorations: Once you lose your data, with DataArchiva, you can automate your restorations saving a lot of time.

This cure chronicle would have given you the needed insights for your backup and recovery needs along with a brilliant application to make your job even easier.

DataArchiva has been serving customers to help them cope with their data loss concerns. If you are looking forward to starting your journey in the backup and recovery of your Salesforce data, then schedule a call with our product experts and have a better understanding of the product.

PS: It is rumored that once you chose DataArchiva for backup and recovery, then there is no going back. Classic DataArchiva.

