The Ultimate Checklist Needed While Opting for a Data Backup Solution in Salesforce

Krishnanjali KU


Spoiler Alert: The best application for your Salesforce Data Backup is revealed at the end.

Maybe the application you chose to back up your Salesforce data had glittery ratings on AppExchange. Or maybe the customer review is what drove you to it. Never fall under such traps and go on to choose your backup solution. Reviews can be rave and customer perceptions can differ from one another. Each business has different requirements and hence even the backup requirement should be aligned with the same.

A backup and recovery strategy is always important because mere predictions do not work to guess the time and interval when your business can get affected by a data loss incident. The article is going to help you with a sleek cheat sheet that will help you check out all the necessary requirements that can also be aligned with every business.

9 Backup Considerations for Your Salesforce Data You Need to Checkout

After gathering our data from various businesses of different niches, we deduced the below list to make your journey to finding out the best backup solution for Salesforce easy. Given the thought of all the sophisticated methods on how your Salesforce data can get lost, here are the 8 things you have to give priority to when choosing a backup application for Salesforce.

Define your Data Protection Targets.

Being in a business and using Salesforce as your CRM, even a tiny data breach can affect your business in unimaginable magnitudes. With the evaluation of what exactly your business needs are, align your backup requirements as per that. For instance, be sure of what backup intervals and the backup type will suit the best for your business.

Emphasis Scalability

Another important thing that you are supposed to take note of is to prioritize scalability when choosing a backup solution for Salesforce. If you are here, reading this piece of content, it means that you are looking for a long-term backup solution. Business growth can be uncertain. Hence always go for a backup solution for Salesforce that can even handle your future backup needs. Your backup should be able to house your whole technology infrastructure that can include past, present, and future data additions.

Revise Your Budget

If you are on a shoestring budget, always settle for a cost-effective backup solution rather than a cheap one. Never get appealed for a low ticket price backup solution. Always choose a backup solution that gives you a healthy ROI throughout the year. In general, opting for the appropriate solution can lead to time and cost savings through increased efficiencies, while also preventing the expenses associated with recovering from a cyberattack or similar catastrophic events.

Ensure Usability for Business Continuity

Always have a backup solution in place that can help you with quick recoveries during times of data loss. Not only does it restore your data, but will also restore your reputation among clients. Utilizing online backup simplifies data access and enables immediate restoration, even in the event of complete destruction of physical facilities.

Ability to Backup Metadata, and File & Attachments

Your Salesforce data does not just comprise data. It is a culmination of live data, metadata, and files & attachments. Keep in mind that always when choosing a backup application for your Salesforce opt for one that is able to capture your complex object relationship and data integrity while carrying the backup process. Files & attachments are also very important as they too are in the list of mission-critical data.

Unlimited Backup Storage

Organizations use Salesforce to enforce a digital transformation of their business on a holistic level. Your backup location should be able to fit in unlimited storage. Just imagine being a walking wound because you were not able to back up your data on time because the backup storage was full. To avoid this ugly scenario, opt for a backup with unlimited storage because data is bound to grow and the rate of growth is hard to predict.

End-to-End Protection

63% of organizations have employed extensive encryptions on their data. Recovery can be useless if the bad guys are able to reach even your backup database. Therefore, it is crucial to implement an extra level of security to safeguard your data continuously. Whether it is during data transfer or storage, your data should be consistently protected from end to end. Chose a backup application that can provide you with encryption at rest for your Salesforce data.

Data Ownership

When selecting a data backup solution, it is essential to ensure that you retain full ownership of your data. This feature grants you ultimate control over your data, enabling you to determine who has access to it and who can view it. While it may often be disregarded, this feature holds great importance, and you will appreciate having employed it in the future.

Trusted Partner

With a lot of applications on AppExchange, having a trusted application from a reputed brand that can satisfy all the above-needed requirements is very important. Hence if you are looking with a keen eye, then you are going to be introduced to one of the best applications that you can find on AppExchange for backup solutions for Salesforce.

DataArchiva For Your Salesforce Data Backup & Recovery Needs.

Say goodbye to roadblocks now as you have come across the most trusted and reliable backup application for Salesforce. DataArchiva is highly regarded as the top choice for Salesforce data backup and recovery. It ensures the backup of your active Salesforce data, metadata, and files & attachments in CSV format, utilizing external cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, Heroku, and GCP and storing them on-premises servers, S3, or SharePoint.

Would you like to explore further about DataArchiva Backup? Our team of data specialists is available to assist you. Feel free to schedule a demo with us today and delve deeper into the details!

