Why Consider DataArchiva While Architecting Salesforce Platform for Data Retention & Compliance

Why Consider DataArchiva While Architecting Salesforce Platform for Data Retention & Compliance

Manoswita Naha


Do you want to explore your customer capabilities or revisit opportunities that you might have lost due to uncatered services? Then it’s time to archive, repeat & revisit your old CRM data.

This makes a lot more sense if you are in use of Salesforce applications like sales cloud and service cloud, where you are constantly recording journeys and tracking interactions & where you might have missed a few leads on the go.

But the good news is Salesforce keeps track of every action and information that crosses the CRM, and the volume of data generated in the process can be crazy.

Keeping standards in mind, Salesforce says you can store only 10GB of data storage space per org, in contrast, you are just pouring in. This way you eventually lose control and tend to spend more on data storage costs.

Data retention standards in Salesforce

With Data Cloud under the hive, you also have to ensure the information flow is not hindered. As many struggle to maintain the data pipeline, let’s garner a few moves to check on the best data practices that can streamline ‌data flow, avoid turbulence due to data growth, and help pioneers to make their Salesforce-generated data stay at their preferred databases for retention & compliance demands.

Determining What Could Be The Most Compelling Reasons For Salesforce Data Retention

Retaining data without a pre-assigned data goal is both a waste of effort and investments. Industry affiliates who are under constant sprint to curb the scrum for the daily data dump found that, despite ‌opportunities, above 60%1 of the organizations are scared of bearing the data retention costs. To make active decision-making your new strength, act smart and retain only the information that you ‘need’ to retain. Further, ask your IT budgeters to pass the deed. Here are some lighting ways to convince them to earmark the spend for data retention.

Calling upon Your Compliance Managers

This will help you to give a headstart on which Salesforce data you need to retain for compliance. Your compliance managers can give you a detailed walkthrough on government laws and industry standards that you have to abide by to retain, protect & process data and also specify lengths of time you need to hold it for. These can be some of the prominent regulations like PCI DSS, HIPAA, FATCA, GDPR, and ISO 27001 under governance or development and actualization of retention policies for the organization’s data.

Learning About Internal Business Processes

Even if the majority of business data produced by Salesforce processes is controlled by the application, it is still necessary to explicitly include it in a data retention program. This will help you to ensure that when the need arises, this data will be accessible in the organization’s basic level storage & archiving protocol

Learning About Corporate Litigation Towards Data Retention

It’s important to keep a note on how to respond to a data retention request and the organization responding to‌ it. Learning the lawsuit and your knowledge of data processes can earn you a few extra points on why you want to retain your data.

Also Read: Top 6 Compliance Management Considerations While Archiving Salesforce Data

Compliance Management for Salesforce data

Revisiting the Signed Contracts

Customers, vendors, and other third parties typically enter into legal agreements to retain documents for a specific period or for the duration of a contract. Therefore carefully read the contracts, and hash out the points where it could typically include obligations that could invite an event of a legal challenge, upon customer-set obligations unmet. This will help you to set a stronger foundation for your retention goals and save you from unavoidable resentments.

Introduce ‌Data Archiving & Its Cost-Saving Benefits

NB: Data archiving by definition is the process of systematically transferring inactive or less frequently accessed data from the primary storage system to a separate, long-term storage environment.

Keep your CIOs in the loop on why you data archiving is going to be the core of your data retention strategies. Highlighting ‌how archiving can be a great CRM reinforcement to free up space on the primary storage system, improve Salesforce app performance, ‌reduce additional data storage costs, and enable efficient data management and retrieval when needed. these can be a rather reassuring sign that the right data is retained and managed with maximum effectiveness.

Let’s say, your CIO has approved your proposal and asked to give archiving a shot. But the catch is that you do not know how to get the ball rolling. As a Salesforce architect, you know that a third-party application, will you archive with DataArchiva?

How DataArchiva Can Full-fill Your Salesforce Data Retention Needs With Industry Best Practices

Here we introduce the #1 Data Archiving Application on Appexchange, DataArchiva a specialized data archiving application, designed to fulfill your Salesforce data retention needs while adhering to industry best practices. It provides a comprehensive solution for managing and retaining your Salesforce data in a cost-effective and compliant manner. Here’s how DataArchiva can fulfill your Salesforce data retention needs with industry best practices:

1. Fluent Data Archiving: DataArchiva helps you archive your historical and infrequently accessed data from Salesforce objects to an external storage system, such as a cloud storage platform or an on-premises solution. This archiving process reduces the storage burden on your Salesforce org and optimizes its performance.

2. Data Retention Policies: With DataArchiva, you can define and implement data retention policies based on your organization’s specific requirements and compliance regulations. These policies ensure that your archived data is retained for the required duration while complying with legal and industry standards.

3. Data Compliance & Security: DataArchiva employs robust security measures to safeguard your archived data. It offers encryption at rest and in transit, ensuring that your data remains secure throughout its lifecycle. The solution also supports compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and more, helping you meet data retention requirements.

Efficiently manage Salesforce data with DataArchiva

4. Seamless Data View, Control & Access: While archived, your data remains easily accessible through DataArchiva’s intuitive user interface. You can search, retrieve, and restore archived records directly from the application, providing your users with a seamless experience when accessing historical data.

5. Performance Optimization: By keeping your data storage managed & relevant DataArchiva helps to improve the overall Salesforce performance and scalability of your Salesforce org. Reduced data volume enhances ‌system speed, enabling faster searches, reporting, and overall user productivity.

6. Cost Savings: Salesforce storage costs can escalate as your data volume increases. By archiving infrequently accessed data, DataArchiva helps optimize storage usage and reduce expenses associated with Salesforce data storage. This cost-efficient approach allows you to better allocate your resources.

7. Auditing and Reporting: DataArchiva provides comprehensive auditing and reporting capabilities, allowing you to track data access, changes, and user activities. These features ensure transparency and help with compliance audits, internal reviews, and governance requirements.

8. Seamless Integration: DataArchiva seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, leveraging Salesforce’s native APIs and security frameworks. This integration ensures that your archived data remains synchronized and in compliance with Salesforce’s evolving platform updates.

DataArchiva is a flawless digital application that archives unused Salesforce data intelligently within the platform itself, at a native level, or leveraging any external cloud to archive within your MY SQL, MS SQL & Postgres databases. This compliance-ready, user-friendly, and highly scalable application can also manage a large volume of data without any hassle.

By using DataArchiva, you can save more than 85% of your data storage costs as well as secure your data inside the Salesforce platform while allowing your compliance team to search any data at any time. It also ensures top-notch security, seamless accessibility, and better CRM performance along with data governance. For more information, you can get in touch with us or get the app here.

