​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

Database Dive
Published in
5 min readDec 23, 2021

What is Arctype?

Arctype is a database management and visualization tool that allows easy and effective management of data in your database. It will enable you to run fast queries on database tables, save them, and visualize them on a dashboard using different charts or tables. Arctype also supports collaboration with other users through sharing saved queries and managing user permissions for workspaces.

Install Arctype on your computer from the link here, then sign up. You can then follow this tutorial.

Creating a workspace

To create a workspace, enter a name for your workspace, as seen in the image below.

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

If you already have a database, click on “Add Connection” and pick your database type. Arctype supports MySQL and Postgres.

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

Provide your database details and click save to connect it to Arctype, as seen in the image below.

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

**Note: Your database has to be running for the connection to Arctype to be successful.

Now that you have successfully connected your database to Arctype, you should see a workspace dashboard like the one in the image below:

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

Click on the settings icon at the top of your workspace dashboard to open the workspace setting page, as shown below:

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

In the “General” tab above, you can update your workspace name and delete your workspace along with all the data in it. You will learn about the editor and members tab when you get to the permissions section of this tutorial.

Manage databases in a workspace

You can add multiple databases all managed in one Arctype workspace. To add another database, click on the database dropdown selector in the workspace dashboard, then create a new database connection as seen in the image below:

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

Follow the steps you learned earlier to create a database connection. You can also delete a database connection on your workspace by clicking on the “Add connection” button anywhere on the workspace dashboard, then clicking on the “x” icon next to the database name in the “Manage connections” navigation as seen in the image below:

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

**Note: You need to have at least one database connected to a workspace.

Share your workspaced

Arctype supports collaboration with other developers by allowing you to share your workspace with other users. Click on the “Share Workspace” button in the left navigation on your workspace dashboard, then enter the other users’ emails you want to enable access to your workspace. Don’t forget to click on the “Send Invites” button.

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

The user will get an invite, as seen in the image below:

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

When the users accept the invitation from their email, they will automatically get access to the workspace added and listed as one of theirs.

Control permissions of your Workspace

Controlling permissions on your workspace enforces security by ensuring only authorized team members have access and can make changes that will significantly impact the team. By default, any shared workspace will have the user’s permission level set to an editor.

If you wish to leave a workspace, go to the workspace settings on the account from which you accepted your invite. You will find the delete button earlier has been replaced with a “Leave” button.

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

You can also check all the members on the workspace and edit their permission levels by navigating to the “Members” tab. On the workspace owner account, navigate to the “Members” tab in the workspace settings. Here, you can manage the permission level of members on your workspace.

There are two permission levels a workspace member can possess aside from being the owner of the workspace, either becoming an editor or an admin. The editor has access to edit data on the workspace. However, the editor can not change the permission level of another member or delete the workspace but can only leave it. This restriction also means that if an editor invites another member to the workspace, they can only have an editor’s permission.

The admin has access to every level of data on the workspace, including inviting new members to give all permission levels. However, the admin can’t edit the permission level of the other members that he/she didn’t invite.

Switch between workspaces

Suppose you have multiple client projects you are managing from different clients. You will need to work on these projects in separate workspaces. Creating individual workspaces allows you to isolate and protect all resources private to that client(tables, queries, dashboards, etc.), keeping everyone happy. Arctype enables you to manage these workspaces separately and switch between them easily.

Click on your workspace name in the menu, then click on `Create new workspace` to add another workspace. Follow the steps we stated earlier to create a new workspace.

For example, suppose you have three active client projects for an e-commerce store, a Saas business, and a manufacturing company. To isolate their project resources and keep them private, you created a workspace for each client following the steps above.

​How to manage multiple client projects in Arctype using workspaces and permissions

After creating a workspace for each client on Arctype, you can switch between them from any workspace. Click on the workspace’s name you are currently using to get a dropdown of other workspaces you have, then select the one you would like to use.


This article introduced you to Arctype, listed some of its features, and then showed you how to manage your Arctype workspace and its resources for better collaboration and security. Ready to try it out for yourself? Download Arctype and get started!

