Backup SAP HANA database

Scripts for systemdb,tenant dbs. In general all backup!



SAP HANA offers backup options just like any other rdbms flavor. It provides full, incremental, differential backups. It also provides third party (backint) mechanism to store the backups remotely in a backup server or location.

If you’re using SAP HANA by any chance, you should make sure the backup of database is happening in order to prevent data loss that can completely disrupt business operations.


Photo by Patrick on Unsplash

I split the commands in 2 sections, as you see here. Follow along, setup, and see it if this works for you.

For your reading, i put here a official overview on SAP HANA data backups:

Let me know if this topic saved your life, or any room for improvement, or whatsoever, I’m happy to hear!



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