SAP HANA Uninstall Plugin Components

Narrow approach that works well on distributed systems!



SAP HANA database platform offers wide range of plugins which can be useful to extend application functionality. On the other hand, one should know how to setup or remove the plugin at ease from the database.

In this guide, we will see how to uninstall a plugin, named Application Function Libraries (a.k.a AFL), applicable on either standalone or scaleout(distributed) SAP hana systems.

First, we need to validate what plugins are already installed in SAP HANA database. Use this simple script to validate if a plugin exist, or to check what are the plugin available in the database-

We can see the plugin details, good to proceed with removal.

Photo by Javier Huedo on Unsplash

Every plugin uninstallation requires DB restart (whole process will be restarted)

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