Schedule SAP HANA Backups

Let’s do it via Cockpit, and XS jobs tables!



SAP HANA database have rich features in backup and recovery scenarios, unless otherwise there is something new found by other rdbms flavours. In this guide, we will see how we can effectively schedule a database backup via SAP HANA Cockpit and XS jobs via commands.

Ready for the game!

Photo by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash

First, let’s do it via SAP HANA Cockpit:

that’s it! Save and go back to the schedule and you will find if from calendar just like below ( I have setup for differential as well as you can see from calendar, and it’s no difficult but just to change the Backup Type as Differential in similar config.

Now you know how to do it via Cockpit, let’s do the same via sql inputs for the XS Jobs table. It functions same. Here’s how to:

Connect to HANA system via Studio and follow the below to generate INSERT sql for the XS table JOB_SCHEDULES:

Once you done with above sqls, just go back and check in Cockpit to see if you can find your settings there.

Let me know if this topic saved your life, or any room for improvement, or whatsoever, I’m happy to hear!

