Boost Your Python Loops with One-Liners

Master For-Loops and While-Loops with Advanced Features

Andrea Valenzuela


Python one-liners are like flashy gadgets in the programming world. They can instantly grab attention and make your code look super cool. However, as with any powerful tool, there’s always a catch.

The same one-liners that make you shine can also leave your colleagues scratching their heads, wondering what it is really doing. So, how do you strike a balance between optimized and understandable?

There are certain moments when using a one-liner can make all the difference in terms of performance. Guess in which cases?

That’s it! When writing loops!

In this article, we’ll explore the art of crafting Python one-liners to use in your loops in a concise and optimized manner.

Get ready to master loops like a pro!

Loops in Python

Let’s start with the basics briefly.

Loops are an essential part of programming and can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks.

Python has two types of loops:

  • For iterating over a sequence, such as a list or tuple, we use for loops.
  • For executing a block of code repeatedly…



Andrea Valenzuela

Software developer and data scientist - CERN🚀 | Writing about Computing, Data and Tech👩🏻‍💻 | Sharing tricks and experiences✨