
The golden key of optimization in deep learning

Saman Siadati
3 min readNov 26, 2023


Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan, Iran

The word trigonometry comes from the Greek words trigonon (“triangle”) and metron (“to measure”). A triangle is one of the basic shapes that exists in most other shapes. We can break every square into two triangles. A rectangle can also be represented by two triangles stuck together. Polygons also come from the union of triangles.

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the relationships between the lengths of the sides and the angles of a triangle. The first application of trigonometry was in astronomy studies. Tusi was the first mathematician who proposed trigonometry as a branch of mathematics as a science (want to learn more about Tusi, read this article about him, Data Science Pioneers: Tusi)

Geometry and geometric relationships, especially in triangles, make mathematical science grow in the real world and in our daily lives. Trigonometry helps us find angles and distances, and is used a lot in science, engineering, video games, and more!

Deep Learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence, has witnessed unprecedented growth in recent years, revolutionizing various domains such as computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition. One crucial aspect that underlies the success of deep learning models is optimization. While optimization algorithms play a pivotal role, the significance of trigonometry in shaping and enhancing these algorithms is often overlooked. I tried to explore the intricate relationship between trigonometry and optimization in the realm of deep learning, showcasing how trigonometric principles act as the golden key to unlocking the full potential of neural networks.

Deep learning models consist of complex architectures with numerous interconnected layers, and training these models involves minimizing a loss function through iterative optimization. The optimization process seeks to adjust the model parameters to achieve better performance. Trigonometry, a branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the angles and sides of triangles, provides a fundamental toolkit for understanding and optimizing these intricate neural networks.

The activation functions in neural networks are crucial for introducing non-linearity, allowing the models to learn complex patterns. Sine and cosine functions, well-known trigonometric functions, are integral in designing activation functions such as the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) and variants. These functions contribute to the model’s ability to capture and represent intricate patterns within the data.

Proper weight initialization is vital for the convergence and performance of deep learning models. Trigonometric functions, such as sine and cosine, play a role in weight initialization strategies like the He initialization, which helps in mitigating the vanishing or exploding gradient problem. This ensures stable and efficient training of deep neural networks.

The Fourier transform, a mathematical technique rooted in trigonometry, is widely employed in signal processing. In deep learning, particularly in areas like image and speech recognition, understanding the frequency components of data is essential. Trigonometric principles aid in the application of Fourier transforms, allowing deep learning models to extract meaningful features from complex signals.

Trigonometry introduces the concept of phase, which becomes particularly relevant in optimization algorithms. The phase of an optimization process involves the relative positions and relationships between different parameters. Trigonometric functions assist in understanding and manipulating these phase relationships, leading to more efficient and effective optimization strategies. If you like to learn more about optimization, I recommend you to check this out: Optimization theory
The heart of data science

I’ve tried to shed light on the often underestimated role of trigonometry in the optimization of deep learning models. From shaping activation functions to influencing weight initialization and aiding in signal processing, trigonometry serves as the golden key that unlocks the full potential of neural networks.


Siadati, Saman. (2010) Fundamentals of Mathematics for Data Science

Siadati, Saman. (2018) A quick review of deep Learning

