Write for us, write for our audience, write for yourself

Viktor Tisza
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2018

As a freshly started newspaper DaTabloid is looking for enthusiastic and talented writers who will contribute with entertaining and interesting content focusing on data science, machine learning and their creative application to solve problems.

We want to engage not only Machine Learning professionals but also everyday people who are fascinated about this topic. Be entertaining, amuse people with what ML can do and what magic is hidden in the data.

Why write to us?

Because its fun! Beside:

  • Reach an audience that is hungry for your ideas
  • Get valuable feedback
  • Have a discussion with other interesting people like you

What are the restrictions?

Beside creating good content not much. You will still remain the owner of your article. You can modify it anytime you want or even withdraw it from the publication (but c’mon why would you do such a foolish thing? 😃)

How to apply?

Just leave a private note here with the link of your post that you would propose to feature here. Once we review and approve it you will be officially our great writer. (you can even put it to LinkedIn 😉)

Once you are a writer you can publish a new article in edit->…->Add to publication and then just publish.

