Host your WordPress website for free on AWS — AWS Free Tier

Ishan kaushalya
Databox Technologies
6 min readSep 29, 2020

This article highlights the steps needed to create an Amazon AWS Free Tier account, deploy a free tier EC2 with the latest WordPress website.

“The Free Tier allows users to consume minimal AWS resources free of charge for a period of 1 year.”

Ok, let’s create an AWS account.

01. Create an AWS Account

First, We should browse to At the top right-hand corner click on ‘Create an AWS Account’

To create the AWS account it will ask your email, password and give your AWS account a name. Click continue when done.

Next, it will ask you the Account type you would like to create.

There are two options to choose you, select Professional if you intend to use this AWS account within your company, educational institution, or organization. Otherwise, select Personal.

Fill in the listed fields, click to acknowledge you have read and agreed to the AWS Customer Agreement. Then click ‘Create Account and Continue’.

you will need to enter your credit card details to able to create a free tiar AWS account. NOTE (if you use more than the Free Tier thresholds, Amazon will start to bill you.)

After payment method verification it will ask your cell phone number. AWS will confirm your identity by sending you a text message or giving you a voice call. Fill in the details and click on Send SMS.

Then you will receive a verification code via text message or voice call (depending on what you selected in the previous step) Enter the verification code that you have received.

Once you have entered the verification code correctly you will appear following windows.

There are 3 Support Plans you can choose. we will be selecting the Basic Plan. Click on Free.

That’s it. Your Amazon AWS Free Tier account has now been created.

02. launch AWS EC2 free instance

First, sign in the account we already created then you can see the AWS Management Console as follows.

At the top left-hand corner click on ‘Services’ and select the ‘EC2’. Then click on the ‘Launch Instance’ button to create a new instance.

Now you have seen different AMIs (Amazon Machine Images). These are the snapshot of deferent VMs. We will be using Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM).

To keep things simple, look for the AWS Marketplace option on the left-hand menu. The marketplace includes hundreds of pre-built machine configurations you can use.

use the search feature to look for “WordPress” setups, you’ll find the more than 100 deferent AMIs to choose. in the list find the “WordPress Base Version” option.

there is shown you the details for this configuration and hourly fees for different levels of instances as well. once you click on continue will show you the kind AWS instances you want to use.

We’ll select the t2.micro which is eligible for AWS free tier. Then select ‘Next: Configure Instance Details’ button to continue.

after select and instance type you get to review its configuration. if this is your first time configuration don’t go to change anything at this moment. leave the default settings

when you click on “next” to choose the storage you want. Your free tier will available 8 GB storage and AWS bill you for additional storages.

when you’re ready click on “Review and launch” and click on “Launch

once you click on “launch” you will be prompted to select an existing key pair or create a new one. The key pair is what you’ll use to SSH into the instance.

I’ll assume you don’t already have a key pair created so choose the Create a new key pair option. Once you do provide a name, and click on the Download Key Pair button.

Once you have downloaded the key pair, click on the Launch Instances button. This will finally be launching the EC2 instance using all of the configurations you’ve provided.

will take a few minutes while AWS gets everything ready…

03. Access your WordPress instance and find its public IP

after your AWS instance deployed successfully, select on the “View Instance” and there will show your instance.

find your newly deployed instance. If you select it, you’ll notice it lists the instance’s public IP under its details

If you enter the IP address into your navigation bar, you’ll see the Aurora Instance ID verification prompt. it will ask the Instance ID of your WordPress Deployed VM. you can find it on the above Details window beside the public IP address.

Past the Instance ID and click on “Continue”

once you have entered the instance id as password correctly, click on the “(Optional) MySQL password” and past the instance id again.

Now you’ll see a brand new WordPress website yours.

Your WordPress website is ready to use now.

To login go to your WordPress website. Add /wp-admin to the end of its URL, enter the default username (aurora), and the password that you just copied (EC2 instance ID).

