🚀 Unleashing UCX v0.20.0: Exciting New Features and Improvements for Seamless Upgrades

Serge Smertin
Databricks Labs
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2024

We’re thrilled to announce the release of UCX v0.20.0, your go-to companion for upgrading to Unity Catalog. This version brings significant improvements, new features, and enhancements that will make your upgrading experience smoother than ever. Here’s a summary of the most exciting updates you’ll find in this release:

💡 New features and functionalities:

  • A new is_partitioned column: A new boolean column, is_partitioned, has been added to the Table class in the hive_metastore module and the tables table in the inventory database. This indicates if a table is partitioned or not.
  • Deploying static views for the interactive dashboard: Two static views, misc_patterns_vw and code_patterns, have been added to the interactive dashboard, with the latter renamed from code_patterns_vw.
  • Improved Table ACL migration logic: We’ve fixed and improved Table ACL migration logic for enhanced functionality.

🔧 Workflow improvements:

  • ACL migration strategy configuration: We’ve introduced an ACL migration strategy configuration for the migrate-tables workflow, allowing users to pass a list of ACL migration strategies instead of a single strategy. This provides enhanced flexibility in handling various ACL migration types.
  • Added support for AVRO in SYNC: AVRO is now a supported table format in the SYNC process, making it more versatile and compatible with various data formats.
  • Assessment of interactive cluster usage: A new assessment of interactive cluster usage compared to UC compute limitations has been added, allowing users to avoid potential performance bottlenecks.
  • External location validation: We’ve added external location validation when creating catalogs with the create-catalogs-schemas command, ensuring data integrity.
  • Flag for identifying JAR submitted jobs: A flag has been added to the Job table to identify jobs submitted as JAR file, improving assessment functionality for Java/Scala jobs.

🐛 Bug fixes and stability improvements:

  • Skipping installation if remote and local versions are the same: A prompt has been added to override the installation if remote and local versions are the same, avoiding unnecessary installations.

📚 Updates to documentation and testing:

  • Testing fixtures guidelines in CONTRIBUTING.md: We’ve added guidelines for writing testing fixtures and debugging integration tests. This helps to ensure a solid and reliable testing environment.
  • Increasing code coverage: We’ve added unit tests and increased code coverage by 1%, making the codebase more robust and fault-tolerant.

To learn more about UCX v0.20.0, check out the official release notes and start benefiting from these new improvements and features. Happy upgrading! 🎉

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Serge Smertin
Databricks Labs

Extreme Programming. Digital Forensics. Thoughts are my own.