DataBroker DAO going forward!

Frank Van Geertruyden
Published in
5 min readJan 12, 2018
DataBroker DAO is a global marketplace for local (sensor) data, that opens a wealth of opportunities in various domains.

The New Year has started and the application of Blockchain technology is gaining considerable momentum. As it continues to move beyond cryptocurrency applications and experimentation in other domains, there is a growing awareness of its broad potential globally.

This growth is running in parallel to the early days of production use of big data, advances in Artificial Intelligence and the expansion of a whole host of other technologies that have ushered in the beginnings of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The fuel for growth is data

As we continue on this path, it is increasingly clear that the fuel of growth for this new paradigm is data. We are generating billions of data points every minute and the key to propelling the new economy is access. As the global data-processing systems develop into an all-knowing and all-doing hybrid mechanism, providing access to this very organism becomes the source of experimentation, research, innovation, prosperity and ultimately improved quality of life and enhanced utility for humanity.

Needless to say, access is exactly what DataBroker DAO provides. Access will unleash long tail creativity and entrepreneurship in our communities, in enterprises and in governments. Our team has been working hard and around the clock to make sure DataBroker DAO takes off as soon as possible to accelerate this movement.

So in an effort to increase and improve regular communication with our counterparts around the world, we will expedite the information flow on this platform and many others where interesting conversations are taking place. We will do so by providing regular updates on what we have been working on — and rest assured, we have been working a lot! We are also very eager for you to take the opportunity to provide your feedback and ask any questions you may have, so come talk to us on Telegram!

New: weekly webinars!

On top of the regular updates, we will also organize our first live webinar next Thursday (18 January) at 5 PM CET, when participants will have the opportunity to ask various questions to our experts. Click here to register. The live webinars will then take place every week thereafter, so we can keep everyone up to speed on how things are evolving and provide an instant feedback loop for our community. If you would like to receive regular invitations for the webinars, please go on the DataBroker DAO website and subscribe for our newsletter (

Below you will find a few key updates we would like to share prior to next week’s webinar. We will go into further details and answer your questions on Friday.

The DataBroker DAO Alliance

Looking ahead, we envision DataBroker DAO forming an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT) data-fabric, which means there will be a greater need for effective and multidisciplinary collaboration between active stakeholders. These parties will have a clear need to define collaborative models to work together to create better synergies between their collective businesses and use-cases. Therefore, in order to kick-start the ecosystem and facilitate a collaborative environment, we have formed the DataBroker DAO Alliance. This Alliance will increasingly play a role in defining the further development of the DataBroker DAO platform and already consists of 7 member companies, with more than 20 additional companies in the process of joining today.

These companies are broadly classified into the following stakeholder groups:

Sensor Owners: smart cities, road and transit authorities, etc.
Data buyers: consulting companies, research & educational institutes, etc.
Gateway Operators: telecommunications companies, network connectivity providers and owner, etc.
Data Processors: when a person or a machine take the data as input, then process it and generate the output — such as market research companies, payroll companies and even accountants.

Throughout 2018, we will continue our proactive efforts to continue growing the Alliance. At this point, membership is without cost so if you are working for an organization big or small that has an interest in radically broadening access to and monetizing IoT sensor data, please visit and register as a DataBroker DAO member. We will get in touch shortly thereafter to begin your member onboarding.

Getting bigger and smarter!

DataBroker DAO has expanded its team in pretty much all areas including marketing & communication, technical development and business growth.

The new additions include:
Veronica Murguia, venture development consultant with vast track record of working in the early stage investment services and entrepreneurship industry;
Ricardo Pires, former Communication Specialist at the United Nations;
Magomet Tsanajev, marketing and multimedia specialist, including videography, photography and animation;
Silke Van den Broeck, full-stack web and mobile technology developer;
Cassandre Vandeputte, Blockchain innovation specialist.
Frank Van Geertruyden, marketing and communication professional with 20 years experience in advertising, publishing, sales and ICT;

Meet our DataBroker DAO team, based in our Belgian HQ

We are continuing to actively recruit experts to the team. If you are interested in joining the DataBroker DAO team, please drop us a line at

DATA Token sale

On the token sales front, we are now looking at increasing internal expertise to help us move quicker and steadier. After the early token sale took place from September 18 to October 16, 2017, we continued going on the road presenting DataBroker DAO to multiple audiences.

Below you will see a list of the most important events we attended since the start of the early token sale:

— Wanxiang Blockchain Labs Shanghai (September 14–16)
— Sigfox World IoT Expo, Prague (September 25–26)
— World Blockchain Forum, London (September 25–26)
— TechXLR8 Singapore (October 2–4)
— Gitex, Dubai (October 8–12)
— Sibos, Toronto (October 16–19)
— World Blockchain Summit, Dubai (October 24–25)
— Web Summit Lisbon (November 6–9)
— Smart City Expo, Barcelona (November 14–16)

The team has now set a tentative date for the main token sale and we are validating this with our advisors and extended team.

We will share more information in the coming week.

Platform development

On the development side, we are totally reengineering the dAPI and smart contracts from the ground up. This is moving along nicely but please be aware that to the visitors of the beta version of the platform, these major updates are totally invisible until we open source these components.

The updated front-end application will follow shortly thereafter.

So in a nutshell, DataBroker DAO has been moving forward at breakneck speed. Not all of our efforts have been communicated as openly as we would like so we thank you for your patience. Communication will be greatly improved and we have set this as a clear objective for 2018.

Stay tuned for more exciting news and insights very soon and please join us for one of our live webinars in the coming weeks.

We wish the best to all of you and we are looking forward to a very exciting year ahead!

The DataBroker DAO Team

Any questions, opportunities or partnership requests are welcome on any of these channels:

