DataBroker DAO joins the general assembly of AIOTI

Frank Van Geertruyden
2 min readFeb 20, 2018


AIOTI, initiated by the European Commission

The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) was initiated by the European Commission in 2015, with the aim to strengthen the dialogue and interaction among Internet of Things (IoT) players in Europe, and to contribute to the creation of a dynamic European IoT ecosystem to speed up the take up of IoT.

Other objectives of the Alliance include:

  • fostering experimentation, replication and deployment of IoT;
  • supporting convergence and interoperability of IoT standards;
  • gathering evidence on market obstacles for IoT deployment;
  • mapping and bridging global, EU, and member states’ IoT innovation activities.

It has become clear from our first meetings in Brussels, that the regulatory bodies are eager to learn from the practical perspective, as represented by the delegates of DataBroker DAO. As we understood, the applied Blockchain technology in DataBroker DAO turns out to be an answer to a lot of practical questions by the European Commision.

The newsletter where our parent company SettleMint was announced in as a member, together with INTEL Corp and 6 other major companies.

During our last meeting on the 12th of January, we went into our DataBroker DAO history books by placing our first vote as a formal member of the AIOTI general assembly. With this vote we agreed on the ‘code of conduct’ to be part of the alliance bylaws. This code of conduct is another step towards the IoT single market in Europe. We are excited to be part of this alliance, as we are certain it will set a profound foundation to the future development of DataBroker DAO.

Stay tuned for more exciting news and insights on & and join us for one of our live webinars in the coming weeks.

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