DataBroker DAO: Weekly video 2 — Meet Cassandre aka. Cash

Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2018

Cassandre was invited to present DataBroker DAO at VOKA in Hasselt. Voka is a the most representative employers’ organisation supporting SME’s in Belgium with 18.000 members. They asked us to share the DataBroker DAO story with their members to demonstrate how blockchain technologies are being used outside of financial services. As we already have a fully working platform, we were a natural choice. I decided to stalk her with my camera and ask her some interesting questions, because it seemed like a perfect opportunity to introduce her to the DataBroker DAO community.

Cash works at DataBroker DAO as a Solution Analyst. She is the “go-to-gal” to determine how blockchain technologies can be put to use in our IoT ecosystem and as such she is responsible for the structuring and modelling the platform’s backbone and operations. Cash is very well known in the Belgian cryptosphere, as she regularly gives blockchain related presentations all around the country. Furthermore, she has earned her stripes in the blockchain innovation labs at Accenture before joining our team last year.

Here is a short transcript of the Q&A. In the video we also cover some minor updates, so make sure to watch the full video as well.

Q: If DataBroker DAO gave you surprise three day paid vacation, how would you spend your three days?

A: I would actually take a break and complete my to-do list or read the things that I don’t have time to read now related to blockchain developments and other technologies. And, maybe also get my personal stuff together because my personal inbox is a bit too long now. So I should go through that as well.

Q: What topic could you spend hours talking about? Except blockchain.

A: Except blockchain and other technologies? Because that would be the easy answer. But I think I could spend hours talking with people about their experience. I think that anyone and any life is meant to be shared and I’m passionate about other people’s stories. I would like to have a conversation with some interesting people, just asking questions about how they became them because that’s something that fascinates me.

Q: What food do you crave the most?

A: I’m in love with ketchup. Because when I was a kid I couldn’t eat it as much as I can now. But also popcorn. There’s something about popcorn. I love popcorn, the taste of salt, because I’m not a very sugary person.

Q: What is the hardest job you have ever done?

A: The hardest job I did was surprisingly being a cashier in a supermarket. It was actually my dream since I was a kid to be a cashier because I thought it was fascinating and I became a cashier voluntarily (during school) and I actually discovered that it is not fun at all for me because it was… I was bored, my brain was not functioning and I ended up eating a lot of sweets. My brain was just sleeping and I couldn’t stand it. I admire cashiers because it requires some self control, that I don’t have. And it was one of my hardest student jobs ever I think, really.

Full video:

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