How to check your DATA balance?

Roderik van der Veer
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2017

One of the questions we have received quite often, is how can I check my DATA token balance. We have created a little guide to show you exactly this.

Your token balance via

Browse to using your browser. Etherscan is a blockchain explorer and analytics platform for Ethereum, the blockchain which runs the DataBrokerDAO early token sale and DataBrokerDAO platform.

Enter your public address (NOT YOUR PRIVATE KEY!) in the search bar at the top. It should show a dropdown with your address like the screen shot below.

Etherscan search showing the search result for my address

After clicking on the address you will see all public information about your account. In the “Token transfer” tab you should be able to see all token transactions you have performed. One of those should mention the DataBroker DAO TOKEN.

At the top, you will also find a token tracker dropdown. It holds your current balance of tokens.

Your balance of the DataBrokerDAO token is listed here. You can find more information by clicking on the token. This is where you can find the transactions of DataBrokerDAO tokens that have resulted in your current balance.

Happy exploring!

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Roderik van der Veer

Founder & CTO at DataBrokerDAO and SettleMint. Passionate about innovation and the technology to do so.