How to buy DTX tokens during the DataBroker DAO token sale.

Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2018

Until June 30 2018 our token sale is live. However, we’ve noticed a striking amount of contributions that fail due to insufficient amount of Gas provided. This blog post will emphasise the amount of Gas needed for a successful token sale contribution. On our website you will find a link How to buy the DTX token, with an extensive explanation to successful conclude our token sale. We strongly recommend you to go through this document if you’re inexperienced in token sales and ICO’s.

Screenshot from our website:

What is Gas and Gas limit?

Every transaction in Ethereum network requires a resource called Gas to be executed. Amount of Gas corresponds to the complexity of a transaction. If you set Gas limit too low, your transaction will fail. Think of it just like having gas in your vehicle (ETH in your wallet), and the destination is the ICO address. If you don’t put enough gas in your vehicle to get to the destination you’re going to, you won’t make it. Lower Gas setting will take longer such as driving a fuel efficient vehicle at slower speed. In MyEtherWallet you can set desired Gas price in the top right block.

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