Technilog and DataBroker DAO: a match made in heaven

Frank Van Geertruyden
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2018
© Technilog

In its constant search for alliance partners, DataBroker DAO is extremely pleased to welcome Technilog as one of its members. This French software publisher, founded in 1985, focuses on the collection of IoT and industrial automation data. “We specialize in harnessing connected industrial objects to provide users with the right data, in the right format, at the right time and for the right purpose”, says Jean-François Ducourtioux, director of Operations at Technilog.

Their cloud platform unifies, reproduces and distributes raw or enhanced data coming from all kinds of sensors connected to the LoRa and/or Sigfox operators (temperature, humidity, soil acidification, noise pollution, energy consumption index, geolocation, you name it) to other cloud platforms and industry-specific applications. The company has set itself the goal of offering its products and technologies in various forms: unlimited licence, SaaS, middleware and on-board software, to serve and accompany its customers — end users and integrators alike — through whatever strategic choices they make.

Technilog offers innovative solutions based on proprietary technologies and on a network of specialized partnerships to address a wide range of industrial needs. One of their most recent partnerships is the one with DataBroker DAO. The importance of which is summarized by Jean-François Ducourtioux in one simple sentence: “DataBroker DAO enables us to value the collected raw and enhanced data and to make them accessible to user communities.”

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