A Cybersecurity Fable for the Digital Age

The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

Gokhan Polat ☀️


Three years ago, at the management consulting firm I worked for, we held an event with the participation of information technology experts from various sectors. The title we meticulously selected for this event was “Digital Design and Data Privacy Compliance/Assurance Management.”

Throughout the event, as cybersecurity experts at our firm, we shared our approach to how the technological structure within companies should be designed to protect critical data from malicious individuals. During my closing speech, where I summarized the overall success of the event, I told a children’s story with magical sentences that animated our imagination.

The original version of my blog in Harvard Business Review Turkiye/2022

I suppose there’s no one who doesn’t know the story of “The Three Little Pigs,” but let me share it here as it was told in my speech. One day, the mother pig called her three piglets and told them that the time had come for them to build their own homes in the…



Gokhan Polat ☀️

DataBulls Co-Founder I Strategy & BizDev Lead | CSA TR Board Member | Btguru Advisory Board Member | Writing on Emerging Tech & Digital Trust