About Anti-Patterns in Secure Software Development Processes

Ismail Tasdelen
Published in
9 min readDec 10, 2022
Photo by Ana Itonishvili on Unsplash

In this article, I will be talking about anti pattern concepts that we often hear in security software processes.

What are anti-patterns and what do they do?

An antipattern is a common response to a recurring problem that is usually ineffective and risks being highly counterproductive. In software engineering, an antipattern is a pattern of practice that is usually considered unadvisable, based on experience. Unlike a pattern, which is a solution to a problem that has been proven to be effective, an antipattern is a practice that may have initially seemed like a good idea, but has proven to be ineffective or harmful in practice.

Anti-patterns in secure software development processes refer to common pitfalls or mistakes that can lead to less secure software. These can include inadequate testing, failing to properly address security issues, and not following established best practices for secure software development.

There are many types of antipatterns, and they can manifest in many different ways. Some common types of antipatterns include:

  • Process antipatterns, which are problems with the way a project is managed or carried out
  • Design antipatterns, which are flaws in the design or architecture of a system
  • Social antipatterns, which are problems with the way people interact within a team or organization
  • Technical antipatterns, which are issues with the way a system is implemented or configured

In general, antipatterns are patterns of behavior or practices that are ineffective or counterproductive. They can lead to problems such as reduced productivity, poor quality, or increased complexity. Identifying and addressing antipatterns is an important part of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of any process.

I have gathered the anti-patterns in general under 5headings.

  1. Anti Pattern: Mixing Code and Data
  2. Anti-Pattern: Blacklisting
  3. Anti-Pattern: Boilerplate Code
  4. Anti-Pattern : Confirmation Bias
  5. Software Anti-Patterns : Copy Paste Insecure Code Anti-Pattern
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Anti Pattern: Mixing Code and Data

Mixing code and data is an antipattern that refers to the practice of storing program code and data in the same location or in a way that makes it difficult to differentiate between the two. This can lead to a number of problems, including security vulnerabilities and increased complexity.

One of the main easons why mixing code and data is considered an antipattern is that it can make it difficult to properly protect sensitive data. For example, if code and data are stored in the same location, it may be difficult to apply appropriate security controls to the data, such as access controls or encryption. This can make the data more vulnerable to being accessed or modified by unauthorized parties.

Another reason why mixing code and data is considered an antipattern is that it can make it difficult to maintain and modify the software. If code and data are intermingled, it can be challenging to understand the relationships between different parts of the system, which can make it difficult to modify or update the software without introducing errors or bugs. This can lead to increased complexity and reduce the maintainability of the software.

In general, it is best to avoid mixing code and data, and to instead store code and data in separate locations or in a way that clearly distinguishes between the two. This can help to improve the security and maintainability of the software.

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Anti-Pattern: Blacklisting

Blacklisting is an antipattern that refers to the practice of identifying and blocking specific items or types of content, rather than allowing all content and only blocking a specific set of known bad items. This approach is often used in security contexts, such as when blocking malicious software or blocking access to certain websites.

One of the main problems with blacklisting is that it is only effective against known bad items. This means that if a new item or type of content is introduced, it will not be blocked unless it is specifically added to the blacklist. This can leave the system vulnerable to new threats that are not on the blacklist.

Another problem with blacklisting is that it can lead to false positives, where legitimate content is mistakenly blocked because it resembles something on the blacklist. This can lead to frustration and inconvenience for users, and can damage the reputation of the system or organization that is using blacklisting.

In general, blacklisting is considered an ineffective approach to security, and alternative methods such as whitelisting (which only allows a specific set of known good items) are often considered to be more effective.

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Anti-Pattern: Boilerplate Code

Boilerplate code is an antipattern that refers to the practice of copying and pasting large blocks of code from one place to another, without properly modifying or customizing it for the specific context in which it is being used. This can lead to a number of problems, including increased complexity, reduced maintainability, and increased risk of errors and bugs.

One of the main reasons why boilerplate code is considered an antipattern is that it can make it difficult to understand and maintain the software. When code is copied and pasted without being properly adapted to the specific context in which it is being used, it can be difficult to understand the relationships between different parts of the code, and it can be difficult to modify or update the code without introducing errors or bugs.

Another problem with boilerplate code is that it can increase the risk of security vulnerabilities. If code is copied and pasted without being properly adapted, it may not include appropriate security controls or may not be designed to handle the specific types of data or inputs that it will be working with. This can leave the software vulnerable to attacks or other security threats.

In general, it is best to avoid using boilerplate code, and to instead write code from scratch that is specifically tailored to the context in which it will be used. This can help to improve the maintainability and security of the software.

Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

Anti-Pattern : Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is an antipattern that refers to the tendency of people to seek out and interpret information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs or biases. This can lead to a number of problems, including poor decision making, misunderstandings, and conflicts.

One of the main reasons why confirmation bias is considered an antipattern is that it can lead to poor decision making. When people only seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs, they may overlook or discount information that contradicts their beliefs. This can result in decisions that are not based on a full and accurate understanding of the situation.

Another problem with confirmation bias is that it can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. When people only consider information that confirms their beliefs, they may not be able to understand or empathize with the perspectives of others who have different beliefs. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, as people may not be able to effectively communicate or collaborate with each other.

In general, it is important to be aware of confirmation bias and to try to overcome it. This can involve actively seeking out and considering information that challenges or contradicts one’s existing beliefs, and being open to the possibility that one’s beliefs may be incorrect. This can help to improve decision making and reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Software Anti-Patterns : Copy Paste Insecure Code Anti-Pattern

The copy paste insecure code antipattern refers to the practice of copying and pasting code from one location to another without properly reviewing or testing it for security vulnerabilities. This can lead to a number of problems, including increased security risks and reduced maintainability of the software.

One of the main reasons why the copy paste insecure code antipattern is considered harmful is that it can introduce security vulnerabilities into the software. When code is copied and pasted without being properly reviewed or tested, it may contain security flaws that were present in the original code. This can leave the software vulnerable to attacks or other security threats.

Another problem with the copy paste insecure code antipattern is that it can make it difficult to maintain and update the software. When code is copied and pasted without being properly adapted to the specific context in which it is being used, it can be difficult to understand the relationships between different parts of the code, and it can be difficult to modify or update the code without introducing errors or bugs.

In general, it is best to avoid the copy paste insecure code antipattern, and to instead write code from scratch that is specifically tailored to the context in which it will be used. This can help to improve the security and maintainability of the software.

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About Risky Stackoverflow Answers

The risky stack overflow answers antipattern refers to the practice of using answers to programming questions on the Stack Overflow website without properly reviewing or testing them for correctness or security. This can lead to a number of problems, including increased security risks and reduced maintainability of the software.

One of the main reasons why using risky stack overflow answers is considered an antipattern is that it can introduce security vulnerabilities into the software. When answers to programming questions are used without being properly reviewed or tested, they may contain security flaws that were not identified by the original poster. This can leave the software vulnerable to attacks or other security threats.

Another problem with using risky stack overflow answers is that it can make it difficult to maintain and update the software. When answers to programming questions are used without being properly adapted to the specific context in which they are being used, it can be difficult to understand the relationships between different parts of the code, and it can be difficult to modify or update the code without introducing errors or bugs.

In general, it is best to avoid using risky stack overflow answers, and to instead write code from scratch that is specifically tailored to the context in which it will be used. This can help to improve the security and maintainability of the software.

In addition to this article, “Everything About the Secure Software Development Process” and “How Can You Improve Yourself on Web Application Security?” You can visit my article.

Lucifer Morningstar

In this article, I have told you about Anti-Patterns in Secure Software Development Processes. See you in my next post, take care.



Ismail Tasdelen

I'm Ismail Tasdelen. I have been working in the cyber security industry for +7 years. Don't forget to follow and applaud to support my content.