Bitcoin and Ordinals Revolution: Transforming Digital Cash into a Treasury of Unique Collectibles

Uluc Yuca
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2024

Bitcoin added a cool new feature called Ordinals, making 2023 a big year. Ordinals and something called BRC-20 tokens have created a new market worth $1.8 billion.

As someone deeply involved in the blockchain space, I find myself both interested and cautiously optimistic about these developments. They promise to expand Bitcoin’s utility in ways we hadn’t imagined, yet I can’t help but wonder about their long-term impact on the platform’s core mission. — Let’s explore these innovations together, contemplating their potential to reshape or possibly challenge the essence of Bitcoin.

What Are Ordinals and BRC-20s

🔆 Think of Bitcoin as a car that got a new, exciting feature. This feature is called “Ordinals,” and it’s like adding a cool new gadget to the car.

Satoshis (Sats) — These are tiny pieces of a Bitcoin. Imagine breaking a dollar into 100 pennies; Satoshis are Bitcoin’s pennies. Some are considered special because of when they were made (being valued more highly due to their unique characteristics or historical significance within the Bitcoin network).

Ordinal Theory — This is a way to give each Satoshi a unique number so people can collect and track them, especially the rare ones. — 🔆 Imagine you can put a unique sticker on each penny in a dollar. These stickers (or digital marks) make each penny special. That’s what Ordinals do to the smallest parts of a Bitcoin.

BRC-20 Tokens — These are a new kind of digital token on Bitcoin that lets people create and trade tokens with special data attached. — 🔆 It’s like creating a new game card that can be traded and collected within the Bitcoin world.

NFTs vs. Ordinals

Ordinals are a bit like digital collectibles on Ethereum (NFTs) but have their own set of rules, like being in a specific order, having limited space for data, and sometimes having more than one inscription on a single Satoshi.

Why This Matters

The advent of Ordinals on Bitcoin could significantly broaden its utility beyond mere currency, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of digital collectibles and assets, thereby challenging traditional notions of blockchain utility and value.

The introduction of Ordinals could potentially drive Bitcoin’s growth by attracting new users and developers interested in the novel applications of digital collectibles and assets on its network.

Looking Ahead

The Ordinals protocol has opened up new possibilities for creating unique digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. How Ordinals affect Bitcoin’s fees over time will depend on how popular these new assets become. It’s an exciting development that could significantly impact the future of digital assets on Bitcoin.

You could also argue that Ordinals, by introducing complex assets like NFTs onto the Bitcoin blockchain, might divert attention from Bitcoin’s original purpose as a decentralized digital currency designed for peer-to-peer transactions. This addition shifts focus towards the creation and trading of digital collectibles, potentially complicating Bitcoin’s straightforward mission of facilitating secure, global financial transactions.

Uluc Yuca




Uluc Yuca

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how — Nietzsche