Come Write With Us as a “DataProfessional” or “Enthusiast”

About DataBulls

Yagmur Sahin
5 min readMar 3, 2021


In DataBulls, we will talk about how data is collected, processed, what value it has, why it is crucial to secure it, and how data technologies affect the physical world.

“There is a lot of information circulating and we know the difficulty of reaching the right information. For this reason, we are bringing data professionals together, intending to establish a compact platform to share the known mistakes and correct information about the data.”

We strongly encourage all our readers to write comments under our articles and learn more about what they do not know. Our articles may be written sometimes in a very technical way and sometimes in a very simple way. The main reason for this is that we aim to address both types of readers. While technology is now in all areas of our lives, we are trying to share useful information and absorb what is happening in this structure’s background so that everyone can use the technology correctly and without personal harm and violation of rights.

Therefore, if you want to be a writer, your articles do not need to be very technical or contain topics that no one has written before. In DataBulls, which has adopted the principle of being a publication based on the code of “Lawfulness, fairness and transparency”, everything from the beginning to the top will be spoken and explained, will not use the information and writings of any author on other platforms without permission. This publication will support collaborative projects by bringing together everyone who works with the data and wants to learn.

If you write with us, we will add a network that will introduce you to your teammates, “DataProfessionals.” or “Enthusiasts”. DataBulls is also an active platform on Linkedin, and it aims to develop the business network to ensure the correct use of data all over the world.

Let’s set up a reliable data network!

What We Look for and Prefer to Publish

Data security, information technologies, cybersecurity, privacy, data governance, risk management, FinTech, Blockchain, law etc. You can be a professional or interested researcher working in every field. You can write technical, academic, or brief informative articles. The criterion we pay attention to is that your articles are informative and about the correct use of the data, contain accurate information and, if possible, provide reference and guiding articles.

We recognize that academic and technical writing can be confusing, and we try to get everyone together to highlight the importance of data protection. For this reason, we do not claim that our articles are the most accurate and we open everything for discussion.

Again, we recommend that you follow some simple rules for your articles to be accepted:

• We prefer articles with a reading time of 3 minutes or more. We have observed that this article’s length is the minimum in terms of summing up the subject. However, this short and useful information does not prevent you from sharing your articles with us!

• We ask for your reference. We don’t want to add a new one to the myths about data. We do not expect you to cite all of your writings. However, we ask you to share the source of the basic and critical information and road maps you have provided with the readers and give them a reference. Thus, when readers comment on your articles, it will create an opportunity to discuss them.

  • Allow time for us to add you as an author! You can share with us your desire to be a writer on “DataBulls” by filling out the following form or leaving a comment below this article. If you leave a comment, we can return to you within 1–2 days, and if you fill in the form within one week, we can add it to our team.

DataBulls Submission Guidelines (Updated Feb 2021):

1. We accept both drafts and published stories.

2. Include a featured image. Please make sure the image is credited, and that you have the rights to use the image (You can use free services like Unsplash, Pexels, or Burst).

3. Please capitalize your titles correctly.

4. Keep grammatical mistakes to an absolute minimum. If there are too many, we will reject the piece. If you struggle with grammar, why not use a free tool like Grammarly? They even have a browser extension that works in the Medium editor.

5. Use Medium’s formatting features to insert subtitles, pull quotes, add dividers, links, and bold/italics for added flair. Please use the bullet points and number formatting, rather than trying to create your own ‘unique’ way of displaying things.

6. Please link out to external sources when you reference them. Embed these links into the text, rather than dumping the references at the bottom of the page.

7. Regarding links, we may link out to other DataBulls pieces within your post, if it feels right to do so.

8. No ads or affiliate links in your article.

9. Though it can take anywhere from 1–7 days to get to your submission, rest assured, one of our editors will leave a note on your submission if it’s being rejected, or if they have any questions and suggestions for improvement.

10. Please also note, this publication places its focus on quality, not quantity. Therefore, we would like to draw attention to the importance of being on this network and obtaining accurate information.

If you would like to submit a story to “DataBulls”, follow these easy steps:

1. Leave a comment below, send us direct e-mail, or fill the form, so we can add you as a writer.

2. Once we have added you as a writer, go to “Edit” on any story you wish to submit, click “Add to Publication,” and select “Data Bulls.”

3. We will either accept the story, make some edits to the story, or let you know if the story does not fit with this publication.

While stating that you want to be an author in the comments, you can share with us the source that motivates you to contribute to Data Myths and Facts.

We are excited to see “Data Professionals” and “Enthusiasts” among us!

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Yagmur Sahin

London 📍 Lawyer | Privacy & Data Protection Professional | Philosophy-Psychology-Tech Linkedin: