Digital Trust Cannot Be Ensured Without Know Your Customer!

In my new article on the #ISACADigitalTrust approach, we will discuss the principle of “Transparency and Honesty”. When it comes to transparency and honesty, KYC is one of the most important concepts for crypto asset service providers. Let’s examine KYC from three different perspectives.

Gokhan Polat ☀️


Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

In the article, I will first provide a brief explanation of crypto asset service providers and their obligations within the framework of Turkish regulations. Then, we will explore the importance of the KYC concept from the perspective of the ISACA Digital Trust Approach. In the final section of the article, I will provide information about the data that needs to be processed within the framework of the regulatory obligations mentioned in the first section.

The flow of the topic can be a bit confusing. Perhaps, it would have been better to swap the positions of the second and third sections in terms of flow, but my approach here is entirely determined by the reading statistics of Medium articles. In general, I observe that about 70% of an article is read, and that’s why I place the explanation of the ISACA Digital Trust approach immediately after…



Gokhan Polat ☀️

DataBulls Co-Founder I Strategy & BizDev Lead | CSA TR Board Member | Btguru Advisory Board Member | Writing on Emerging Tech & Digital Trust