Echoes of the Past: The Skeuomorphic Journey from Early Internet to Web3’s Metaverse

Uluc Yuca
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2024

In the dynamic realm of technology, certain design philosophies recur, mirroring trends from previous eras. One such enduring concept is skeuomorphic design, where digital innovations adopt familiar, often physical forms to ease users into new experiences. This article delves into the fascinating parallels between the skeuomorphic designs of the early internet and today’s emerging Web3 metaverse.

Skeuomorphic design is fundamentally about user comfort and familiarity. It’s a method where digital interfaces mimic real-world objects or environments. Historically, this approach has been crucial in transitioning users to groundbreaking technological platforms, bridging the gap between the tangible and the virtual.

Skeuomorphic Design in the Early Internet
Rewind to the dawn of the internet era — the 1990s and early 2000s. The internet was a novel frontier, and its design mirrored the physical world. Websites and digital interfaces adopted metaphors from the real world — digital notebooks resembled physical ones, and file storage systems were visualized as folders. These designs weren’t mere aesthetic choices; they were navigational aids in an uncharted digital landscape.

In the skeuomorphic landscape of the early internet, Yahoo stands out for its innovative approach to design that mirrored the familiar Yellow Pages. Founded in 1994, Yahoo became a beacon for early web navigation, organizing the vastness of the internet into a user-friendly directory. This design choice was instrumental, transforming the daunting task of exploring the web into an intuitive experience. By categorizing websites in a way that reflected the organizational structure of the Yellow Pages, Yahoo’s interface facilitated a smoother transition for users from the physical to the digital world.

The Metaverse and Skeuomorphic Design in Web3
Fast forward to today’s Web3 and the metaverse. As the next phase of internet evolution, these virtual environments often replicate real-world scenarios and concepts. From digital real estate emulating cityscapes to user interfaces that mimic physical interactions, the metaverse currently employs skeuomorphic design principles extensively.

The Echoes of Design: From Web1 to Web3
This replication of the physical world in digital form is a strategic choice, reflecting our inclination towards the familiar amid change. Similar to how the early internet utilized skeuomorphic design for user accessibility, the metaverse employs these principles to familiarize users with its concept. It underscores how historical design philosophies influence contemporary digital spaces.

Future Outlook and Evolution
As the internet evolved from skeuomorphic to more abstract designs, a similar transformation is anticipated in the metaverse. As users grow more accustomed to Web3, it’s likely that designers will explore beyond physical world representations, embracing more abstract and imaginative elements.

The recurring theme of skeuomorphic design, from the internet’s infancy to the budding stages of the metaverse, highlights the cyclical nature of technology and design. Recognizing these patterns allows us to appreciate our digital past and foresee the future trajectory of technological innovation.

Uluc Yuca




Uluc Yuca

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how — Nietzsche