Embracing the New Year with Professional Excellence: Insights Inspired by Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life”

Uluc Yuca
Published in
5 min readDec 28, 2023

As the new year unfolds, I find myself in a deep state of reflection, largely influenced by Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life.” This isn’t just a journey toward professional achievement but a quest for a meaningful and fulfilling career path that resonates with my core values. This philosophy urges me to align my work with my inner compass, to face challenges with resilience, and to carve a path that’s uniquely mine.

This journey is deeply personal and ongoing. It’s about more than just external success; it’s about nurturing my well-being, maintaining integrity, and focusing on personal progress over external comparisons.

Rule 1: Find the Work that Speaks to Your Being

About finding personal meaning, start your professional journey by identifying work that aligns with your innate talents and passions. This synergy between your true self and your work is the bedrock of sustained success and fulfillment.

Rule 2: Embrace the Chaos of Curiosity

In the spirit of a new beginning, let’s embrace the unknown with curiosity. This year, challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone, explore new areas in your field, and be open to the unexpected paths of growth and innovation.

No matter how different our genes or life experiences may be, or how differently our plastic brains are wired by our experience, we all have to deal with the unknown, and we all attempt to move from chaos to order. — Dr. Norman Doidge

Rule 3: Stand Up Straight with Your Goals Set High

Let’s approach our goals with confidence and determination and confront life’s challenges with strength. Set ambitious goals and pursue them with a posture of resilience and optimism.

Rule 4: Treat Yourself Like Someone You Are Responsible for Helping

Commit to investing in your personal and professional development. Like caring for a loved one, nurture your skills, knowledge, and well-being. This encompasses continuous learning, skill development, and maintaining mental and physical health.

Rule 5: Compare Yourself to Who You Were Yesterday, Not to Who Someone Else is Today

Focus on your own growth and progress. Avoid the pitfalls of constant comparison with others. Strive to improve from your past self, setting your own benchmarks of success.

Rule 6: Seek and Engage with the Wise

Surround yourself with mentors and colleagues who can provide new insights and challenges. Make it a goal to engage in meaningful dialogue and collaboration that enhances your professional journey.

Rule 7: Pursue What is Meaningful, Not What is Convenient.

This embodies a profound philosophy that champions the pursuit of deeper fulfillment over the lure of ease and comfort. The principle encourages us to look beyond the immediate gratification of convenient choices and to invest our energy and time in what truly resonates with our core values and long-term aspirations. It’s about making conscious decisions that align with our authentic selves, even if they require more effort or pose greater challenges. By focusing on what is meaningful, we embark on a more rewarding journey, rich with personal growth and genuine satisfaction.

This path, though often less traveled and filled with complexities, leads to a life of purpose and significance, where every step taken is an expression of our truest intentions and desires.

Rule 8: Tell the Truth, or At Least Don’t Lie

Uphold honesty and integrity in all your professional dealings. Be truthful and transparent in your communications and commitments, maintaining a high ethical standard throughout the year.

Rule 9: Assume the Person You are Listening to Might Know Something You Don’t

Adopt an attitude of openness and active listening in your professional interactions. This approach will foster mutual respect, collaboration, and unexpected learning opportunities.

Rule 10: Be Precise in Your Speech

Clear and effective communication will be key in the year ahead. Articulate your ideas, expectations, and feedback with clarity, ensuring that your professional interactions are productive and meaningful.

Rule 11: Get on the Skateboard

In the new year, embrace the opportunities for growth that come from risk and resilience. Step out of your comfort zone, take calculated risks, and see challenges as chances to innovate and evolve.

Rule 12: Find Joy in the small moments

As you journey towards professional greatness, remember to embrace the sacredness in the small, joyous moments.

This year, let each success be a celebration of your spirit’s journey, each setback a lesson in humility and growth and find in your daily work life a harmonious balance that fills you with gratitude.

Here’s to a year of spiritual growth, achievement, and professional excellence, guided by a journey of introspection and alignment with our deepest values and purpose. 🌟✨




Uluc Yuca

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how — Nietzsche