Exploring Crypto’s Impact on Gaming: A Comprehensive Analysis

Uluc Yuca
Published in
4 min readFeb 4, 2024

In this article, I try to investigate the real-world applications and implications of cryptocurrency in the gaming industry, challenging the prevailing skepticism about its utility. The aim is to clarify the actual value that crypto brings to both game developers and players, going beyond the often abstract and high-level discussions that dominate the space.

1. Neutral Infrastructure: By leveraging open-source tools for in-game transactions and asset management, studios can bypass traditional corporate services, reduce costs, and engage with a wider developer community, including anonymous contributors. This approach also enhances transparency and security, particularly for high-value in-game assets.

2. Velocity vs. Extraction: Shifting the focus from continuous content creation for direct monetization to fostering a dynamic player-driven economy. Incorporating resale royalties into game assets NFTs, not only creates a new revenue stream but also empowers players by providing them a stake in the game’s economy.

3. The Force of Ownership: Cultivating a sense of ownership among players leads to a deeper commitment to the game’s success, similar to the psychological impact of equity. This alignment of interests between players and developers can drive community engagement and loyalty.

3.1 Quasi-Equity: Quasi-equity in gaming, particularly in blockchain contexts, refers to financial arrangements that blend elements of debt and equity. It’s exemplified by token-based incentives, revenue-sharing models, or earned in-game assets that offer players or investors benefits like dividends or decision-making rights.

However, unlike traditional equity, quasi-equity doesn’t present actual ownership or stake in the gaming company. It’s a unique approach to incentivize and align the interests of players and investors with the success of the game or platform.

Crypto enables the possibility of revenue sharing with players, an idea that has been challenging to implement due to legal and compliance issues. This concept, while still in a grey area, opens the door to new forms of player compensation and engagement.

4. Composability: This principle allows digital assets in games to possess characteristics similar to physical objects, such as being pawned, lent, or used as collateral. This deepens the connection between digital and physical realms and expands the possibilities for digital asset utilization.

5. Player Spending Behavior: With the introduction of tradable NFTs, players are likely to invest more in games, knowing that their spending could potentially be recovered or even yield profits. This change in perspective can significantly increase player spending and engagement.

6. Innovative Funding and Alignment: Crypto provides new avenues for game funding, including NFT sales and token offerings. This not only diversifies funding sources but also aligns the interests of backers with the game’s success, similar to traditional venture capital investments.

7. Universal Login: The potential for a universal, decentralized login system using public-key cryptography presents a significant opportunity for simplifying user authentication across platforms while maintaining security and privacy.

7.1 Universal Identity: The concept extends beyond login credentials to include player history and preferences, allowing for personalized gaming experiences and cross-game promotions.

8. Additional Considerations: Topics such as economic analysis of game ecosystems, unique item histories, and new avenues for creator compensation are explored. The potential for these features to enhance the gaming experience and industry economics is considered.

Conclusion and Reflection

We need to acknowledge the challenges of integrating real-world financial elements into gaming. Thoughtful approaches needed to maintain game immersion while leveraging the benefits of crypto. The importance of an open-minded approach towards this evolving paradigm is essential, recognizing its potential to significantly alter the landscape of the gaming industry.

My analysis aim to provide a comprehensive yet clear understanding of the multifaceted impact of cryptocurrency on gaming, offering insights and considerations for both industry professionals and enthusiasts.

Uluc Yuca




Uluc Yuca

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how — Nietzsche