How To Avoid Gas Fees When Selling Art on NFT Marketplace?

Calling all artists, musicians, photographers, Videographers, this is our moment to shine! This article can save you a few hundred gas fees to sell your art.



NFT opensea
Image by Elvie Lins

I got curious about NFT for photographers. I have been reading about Non-Fungible Token the recent months. I did not really pay attention to it until I’ve heard from one of the YouTuber that the image have been sold for $69 Million.

What? I almost spit my food while eating at that time. Holy cow! 69 Million Dollars! Not Philippine Peso.

What is NFT?

NFT’s are pieces of digital content linked to the blockchain. The digital database under spinning cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum. Unlike NFT’s those assets are fungible, meaning they can be replaced or exchanged with another identical one of the same values. Source

So, I learn about NFT and how I can join to sell my collections of images. As you guys know, I am a photographer and somehow, my art is my bread and butter.

But I found out that gas fees were so high when I want to start to sell my art at (though it is only a one-time fee).




Writes about #Travel, #Photography, #Life, and #Poetry. Message me at @successwitheve on Twitter and email me at