Tabular Playground Series-Mar 2021, Leaderboard %14, EDA + Feature Engineering 🔥

Hasan Basri Akçay
Published in
5 min readJan 25, 2022

This is part 1 of the TPS-Mar21 competition that I am in LB %14.

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

Hi dear readers 👋, I am telling my work about the TPS-Mar21 competition in this article.

Tabular Playground Series is a Kaggle competition series that only include tabular data. You can see the dataset here and you can see full python code at the end of the article.


In this part, we looked closer at the data. The shape of train data is (300000, 30) and the shape of the test data is (200000, 30).

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

train = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/tabular-playground-series-mar-2021/train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/tabular-playground-series-mar-2021/test.csv')

train_y = train['target']
train_data = train.drop(columns=['id', 'target'])
test_data = test.drop(columns=['id'])

train_rows_len = train_data.shape[0]

train_test_data = pd.concat([train_data, test_data])

(300000, 30)
(200000, 30)
(500000, 30)

Target Data Distribution

You can see a distribution of the target column below. According to this plot, the target distribution is low unbalanced. If the target distribution is between 20%-40%, low unbalanced; 1%-20% is medium unbalanced and <1% is extremely unbalanced.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.title("Target Histogram")
Target Distribution Plot — image by author

Split Numerical and Categorical

Data has 19 categorical features and 11 numeric features.

data_categorical_pd  = train_test_data.loc[:,train_test_data.dtypes==np.object]
data_numerical_pd = train_test_data.loc[:,train_test_data.dtypes!=np.object]
print('data_categorical_pd.shape: ', data_categorical_pd.shape)
print('data_numerical_pd.shape: ', data_numerical_pd.shape)
data_categorical_pd.shape: (500000, 19)
data_numerical_pd.shape: (500000, 11)

Data cleaning

The data cleaning part has four different parts Dealing with null values, Dealing with outliers, Label encoding, Categorical values quality checking.

Data cleaning — Dealing with null values

The data hasn’t null values.

categorical_missing_val_count = (data_categorical_pd.isnull().sum())
numerical_missing_val_count = (data_numerical_pd.isnull().sum())
print(categorical_missing_val_count[categorical_missing_val_count > 0])
print(numerical_missing_val_count[numerical_missing_val_count > 0])
Series([], dtype: int64)
Series([], dtype: int64)

Data cleaning — Dealing with outliers

import seaborn as sns
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore")# Numerical
y_plot = train_y.copy()
y_plot.columns = ['target']
Data_plot = pd.concat([data_numerical_pd[:][:len(y_plot)], y_plot], axis=1)
for feature in data_numerical_pd.columns:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 5))

plot10 = sns.distplot(Data_plot[Data_plot['target']==0][feature],ax=ax1, label='0')
sns.distplot(Data_plot[Data_plot['target']==1][feature],ax=ax1,color='red', label='1')
ax1.set_title('Distribution of {name}'.format(name=feature))
ax2.set_title('Boxplot of {name}'.format(name=feature))
Numeric Cont0 Distribution Plot — image by author
data_plot = pd.concat([data_categorical_pd[:][:len(y_plot)], y_plot], axis=1)
feature_list = []
for col in data_categorical_pd.columns:
if len(data_categorical_pd[col].unique()) <= 20:

n_cols = 3
nrows = round(len(feature_list) / n_cols)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, n_cols, figsize=(24, 12))

index = 0
for row in range(nrows):
for col in range(n_cols):
feature = feature_list[index]

sns.barplot(x=feature, y='target', data=data_plot, ax=axes[row][col])
axes[row][col].set_title(feature + ' Distribution', color = 'red')

index += 1
Categorical Distributions Plot — image by author

Data cleaning — Categorical values quality checking

Cat10 feature has a lot of different object features and some objects are in the train set but are not in the test set. Therefore cat10 is a bad feature for ml models. You can drop this feature or replace low repeat values with ‘OTHERS’.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

object_cols = data_categorical_pd.columns
X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(data_categorical_pd[:][:len(train_y)], train_y, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2,

# Columns that can be safely label encoded
good_label_cols = [col for col in object_cols if
set(X_train[col]) == set(X_valid[col])]

# Problematic columns that will be dropped from the dataset
bad_label_cols = list(set(object_cols)-set(good_label_cols))

print('good_label_cols: ', len(good_label_cols))
print('bad_label_cols: ', len(bad_label_cols))
good_label_cols: 18
['cat0', 'cat1', 'cat2', 'cat3', 'cat4', 'cat5', 'cat6', 'cat7', 'cat8', 'cat9', 'cat11', 'cat12', 'cat13', 'cat14', 'cat15', 'cat16', 'cat17', 'cat18']
bad_label_cols: 1

Data cleaning — Label encoding

Ml models can not understand object types of data (except some tree models) that are why we have to encode them to numeric data. You can use LabelEncoder or OneHotEncoder for the encoding process.

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

data_categorical_encoded_pd = data_categorical_temp_pd.copy()
for feature in data_categorical_encoded_pd.columns:
le = LabelEncoder()
data_categorical_encoded_pd[feature] = le.fit_transform(data_categorical_temp_pd[feature].astype(str))

Feature Engineering

In this part, we add and multiply some features for creating new features.

data_categorical_FeaEng_pd = data_categorical_encoded_pd.copy()
data_numerical_FeaEng_pd = data_numerical_pd.copy()

data_categorical_FeaEng_pd['cat9cat2T'] = (data_categorical_encoded_pd['cat9'] + data_categorical_encoded_pd['cat2'])
data_categorical_FeaEng_pd['cat9cat2M'] = (data_categorical_encoded_pd['cat9'] * data_categorical_encoded_pd['cat2'])

Feature Transformation

Machine learning models predict targets better when the distribution of data is normal. For this reason, we use box-cox transformation.

from scipy.stats import skew, boxcox
import seaborn as sns
Numerical Value Distributions Plots— image by author

Preparation Data For Training

After all processes, we split data to train and test again. Now the shape of the train data is (300000, 68) and the shape of the test data is (200000, 68).

X_train = pd.concat([data_numerical_TR_pd[:][:train_rows_len], data_categorical_TR_pd[:][:train_rows_len]], axis=1)
X_test = pd.concat([data_numerical_TR_pd[:][train_rows_len:], data_categorical_TR_pd[:][train_rows_len:]], axis=1)
y_train = train_y.copy()


print('X_train shape: ', X_train.shape)
print('X_test shape: ', X_test.shape)
print('y_train shape: ', y_train.shape)
X_train shape: (300000, 68)
X_test shape: (200000, 68)
y_train shape: (300000,)

This is part 1 of the TPS-Mar21 competition that I am in LB %14. In this article, we prepared data for better prediction and in the second part, we will work on modeling.

You can see full python code and all plots from here 👉 Kaggle Notebook.

👋 Thanks for reading. If you enjoy my work, don’t forget to like it 👏, follow me on Medium and LinkedIn. It will motivate me in offering more content to the Medium community! 😊


