The Creator Economy

From Slaves to Cubicles: How Work Changed and Why We’re Unhappy” dives into the shift from intense physical labor in history to today’s desk jobs and the resulting dissatisfaction many feel…

Uluc Yuca
6 min readNov 7, 2023


It’s impossible to predict the future growth of knowledge. That’s the nature of knowledge, knowledge creation is genuinely is an act of creation. It is bringing something into existence that wasn’t there prior. Naval Ravikant

Knowledge and Ideas

Throughout history, human beings have engaged in demanding physical labor. Initially, this labor was carried out by slaves who were tasked with the majority of the workload. However, with the onset of the industrial revolution and the emergence of advanced machinery, the weight of manual labor was greatly alleviated. In modern times, a large portion of the workforce is confined to cubicles, performing monotonous tasks that are contrary to their innate nature. It is not surprising, then, that many employees experience a sense of discontentment.

In my opinion humanity has reached a stage where it no longer requires human beings to carry out monotonous tasks. This shift in labor demands a corresponding increase in the importance of knowledge and ideas. The brain exhibits heightened levels of activity during the execution of creative tasks.

This holds significant importance as it highlights the impact of novel ideas in expanding possibilities; creating new language, technology, and opportunities. The idea comes first, the inception of the windmill, for instance, was only made possible by the initial idea behind it. In my perspective, the future of work lies in the hands of those who possess the ability to distribute these ideas; writers, storytellers, speakers, designers — all creators.

The purpose of human beings is to acquire knowledge, innovate, progress, and minimize entropy

The evolution of humankind can be traced back to the practice of story-telling. Each story possesses a unique genetic makeup that contains valuable information. This phenomenon has persisted throughout history, transitioning from word of mouth to the written word with the advent of print, and now, through the widespread use of the internet. — It is through the transmission of information that the knowledge is passed down through generations.

The Internet was developed with the purpose of facilitating the transmission of information between two points, namely point A and point B. It serves as a channel for the distribution of information, thereby enhancing our “collective knowledge” and expanding our potential for thoughts and ideas.

The purpose of human beings is to acquire knowledge, innovate, progress, and minimize the effects of entropy. In the future, it is possible that the primary occupation of individuals will be to aid in the healing of others. There is no greater form of healing and fulfillment than facilitating the “self-actualization” of another individual, which is what is currently referred to as the “The Creator Economy.”

Web1 — Open source driven by browsers

The primary objective of the internet was to decentralize and eradicate distribution barriers, thereby enabling individuals to freely publish and market their goods and services. This can be observed in the first iteration of the internet, known as Web1, which was designed to operate on an open source platform, facilitating the circulation and sale of content by anyone. The product of Web1, Mail, was a straightforward application that was interoperable. — Subsequently, the internet eventually evolved into a predominantly centralized system at the application level.

Web2 — Governed by publishers driven by mobile

Web2 was a time when publishers held the power and were the main drivers of content creation and distribution. Centralized platforms (publishers) emerged, providing wider distribution and access to a larger audience. This opened up new opportunities for new era of digital entrepreneurs to create and consume content in innovative ways. Today, with just a smartphone and internet connection, anyone can become a creator and share their ideas with the world. With those platforms we have better distribution rails for thoughts / ideas / creativity.

State of crypto report — a16z

Despite the fact that these platforms have emerged as the primary means of distribution of thoughts, ideas, and creativity, thereby fostering a more diverse and inclusive virtual environment, the earnings received by creators has been deemed unfair. In this regard, creators have been afforded minimal financial compensation, while publishers have reaped the majority of the profits, leaving creators with a mere fraction of the earnings.In Web2 Publishers got the cake, creators got the cherry…

Web3 — Otro mundo es posible

The utilization of technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence will result in the provision of more dynamic and diverse content, increased opportunities for content creation, and enhanced control over ownership, monetization, and economic freedom. In contrast to the previous Web2 model where publishers held the majority of power and creators were left with minimal control, the Web3 paradigm will see a reversal of this dynamic. The absence of gatekeepers in this new model will facilitate the free distribution, better monetization of ideas, thoughts, and creativity from point A to point B.

Web3 is a exponential movement that is supported by the innovative technology of blockchain. It is NOT focused on the exorbitant prices of certain digital assets, nor is it driven by the hype surrounding tokens. Furthermore, it is not associated with fraudulent projects. These occurrences are NOT associated with blockchain technology, as it is fundamentally a reaction to the recurring pattern of basic “Human Greed.” Similar trends have been observed in the past, such as the rise of internet companies in 1998.

State of crypto report — a16z

Web3 is a movement that seeks to disrupt and dismantle centralized systems. Its core objective is to introduce a decentralized and community-driven approach to both business and culture.

Thanks to blockchain technology, creators are now able to reach a worldwide audience without the interference of intermediaries, resulting in a greater variety of voices and viewpoints being heard. Additionally, it empowers creators to directly profit from their content, fostering meaningful connections and a sense of community.

This has also significant implications for consumers; It offers a wealth of new content and experiences. It allows them to discover new voices and perspectives and to connect with individuals who share their interests and values. It also offers a more diverse and inclusive alternative to traditional media, which has long been dominated by a small group of gatekeepers.

Another word is possible

In conclusion, This movement is fundamentally altering our perceptions of digital ownership, work, innovation, collaboration, creativity and entrepreneurship.

Uluc Yuca




Uluc Yuca

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how — Nietzsche