The Future of Data Security: Your Data Is At Risk — Are You Ready To Defend It? (2022)

Yagmur Sahin
Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2022


You sit down at your computer to work on your annual report.

It’s due tomorrow, and you have a lot of data to input. As you type in the first few rows of numbers, you notice something strange.

Your computer seems to be moving slower than usual.

You stop typing and watch as the cursor moves painfully across the screen. Then, you hear it — the sound of someone typing on your keyboard from the other side of the room.

You jump out of your chair and run to the other side of the room, but no one is there.

You look at your computer and see that all of your data has been erased.

Someone has hacked into your system and stolen all your information!

©stnazkul —

According to Cisco’s Annual Internet Report (2018–2023) White Paper, nearly two-thirds of the global population will have internet access by next year.

By 2023, the total number of internet users will reach 5.3 billion (66 percent of the world’s population), up from 3.9 billion (51 percent of the world’s population) in 2018.



Yagmur Sahin

London 📍 Lawyer | Privacy & Data Protection Professional | Philosophy-Psychology-Tech Linkedin: